Flood Map Modernization Multi-Hazard Flood Map Modernization NOAA Height Mod Conference 12/1/06 Dave Jula, Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Flood Map Modernization Introduction Accurate information about risks is the first step in preventing and reducing losses.
Flood Map Modernization Introduction To support the vision, “A Nation Prepared,” the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has undertaken the Map Modernization effort to update the Nation’s flood hazard maps.
Flood Map Modernization Map Modernization Objectives Enabling Technology Establishes Premier Data Collection and Delivery System Partners Delivering Results Builds and Maintains Mutually Beneficial Partnerships Effective Program Management Provides for the Efficient use of National Resources Empowering the User Community Creates Better Informed Users
Flood Map Modernization Who Benefits from Map Modernization?
Flood Map Modernization Mapping Information Platform (MIP) What is the MIP? Web-Based Technology that Enables the Management, Extraction, Sharing, and Production of Map Modernization Data How Does it Help? Proactive Centralized Project Management and Tracking Standard Data Collection Search and Storage Free Tools Available
Flood Map Modernization Identify Problem by Reviewing Project Summary and Reports 3 Perform task and update MIP 4 Tracking and Management Tool for Map Mod Over 1,290 Active Studies Over 20,000 MT-1s (LOMAs) Over 1,400 MT-2s (LOMRs) Over 20,000 Communities Over 60 Contractors Over 200 CTPs MIP
Flood Map Modernization MIP: Repository The geospatial platform will be the repository for the national GIS data layer and will store the following: Final Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) data Intermediate data, including the outputs of key steps used to create the DFIRM data. Scoping Survey Elevation Hydrology and hydraulics modeling data Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) Flood outlines and other pertinent data
Flood Map Modernization Websites and Technology
Flood Map Modernization Role of the NSP The MOD Team helps FEMA with all aspects of Map Modernization: Map Production Map Adoption Outreach Activities Program Management Geospatial Platform
Flood Map Modernization Regional Management Centers To meet the four Map Modernization objectives, seven major tasks have been identified, to be completed by each RMC: Business Management Develop and manage RMC operations Project Management Plan, monitor and manage study progress, DFIRM production, and community adoption of revised maps Regional Support Perform study and mapping work, post-preliminary processing, community coordination, and other support to FEMA staff DFIRM Production Production of the final version of the Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map Training/Outreach Activities to facilitate delegation of NFIP responsibility to CTPs and to increase the awareness and acceptance of NFIP programs by property owners Support the Multi-Year Flood Hazard Implementation Plan (MHIP)
Flood Map Modernization Metrics
Flood Map Modernization Colorado Risk
Flood Map Modernization Balancing National Goals with Local Needs MHIP
Flood Map Modernization MHIP – Stakeholder Involvement We are here!
Flood Map Modernization Elevation Data Data Capture Standards NDEP/NDOP
Flood Map Modernization Purpose of Data Capture Standards Provide a consistent framework for collection, storage, and retrieval of the data needed for a Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Describe what needs to be captured from digital data that was used in the FIS Capture key data required for model maintenance and quality control Verify that the data can be accessed easily and used for other projects
Flood Map Modernization Survey Data
Flood Map Modernization Survey Data Complete digital submission of all survey data files, photographs, sketches, and notes Data specifications for surveyed cross sections and structures Cross sections Bridges Culverts Dams Elevation Reference Marks High water marks Levees
Flood Map Modernization Acceptable Data Formats Database tables Microsoft Access 2000 dBase IV tables Metadata Photographs Portable Network Graphic (PNG) JPEG (JPG) Bitmap (BMP) Sketches Adobe Acrobat (PDF) PNG JPG Spatial files ESRI shapefiles Open GML format
Flood Map Modernization Terrain Data
Flood Map Modernization Terrain Data Point data LIDAR (bare earth, as well as all returns) Digital Elevevation Model (DEM) Simple points Line data 2D breaklines 3D breaklines Contours Sample space delimited ASCII format Sample ArcInfo TIN Generate Data ncols 388 nrows 470 xllcorner yllcorner cellsize NODATA_value Sample Grid ASCII Format
Flood Map Modernization Acceptable Terrain Data Formats ArcInfo TIN generate line or point AutoCAD DXF ESRI grid ASCII Comma or space delimited point text LAS binary LIDAR points Point shapefile Polyline shapefile
Flood Map Modernization NDEP Purpose: To track proposed, planned, in-work, and completed projects and associated details Users: Producers and users of high-quality elevation data Anyone interested in where and when future elevation data acquisition might happen
Flood Map Modernization NDEP National Digital Elevation Program
Flood Map Modernization NDEP
Flood Map Modernization FEMA MAP FMAC representatives also handle map revision inquiries from: Surveyors Engineers Lenders Insurance Agents Appraisers Floodplain Managers FEMA Map Assistance Center (FMAC)