Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Effective Support for Enlargement Panel II: Adequate capacity for absorbing financial assistance -setting the decentralised management in the candidate countries-
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Absorption capacity (main elements) -Macedonian case- Macroeconomic absorption capacity (as % of GDP) Financial absorption capacity (ability to co- finance) Administrative absorption capacity (demand side-to generate projects, supply side-to manage the funds) Not a constraint in the pre- accession period The intention to increase the co- financing rate beyond the thresholds Supply and demand of mature and ready-to-go projects, to cope with reporting requirements, to supervise implementation, and to avoid irregularities, –Structures, –Human resources, –Tools
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Overall status Programming Implementation Monitoring Evaluation Relevant experience accumulated Conferral of management ongoing Shadow phase introduced Country Interim evaluation Programme introduced
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Implementation
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Structures Operating structures established per component in line with WLA and act of Systematizations and rule book of working post adopted accordingly: IPA component 1 – 166 employees IPA component 2 – 28 employees IPA component 3 – 46 employees IPA component 4 – 40 employees IPA component 5 – 120 employees
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Capacity Building Conducted trainings thus far: monitoring and evaluation, procurement, grant schemes, financial management, risk management, irregularities, work load analysis, techniques of writing PFs and ToR, and soft skills for less than 2000 civil servants Training of Trainers
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Procedures Written procedures prepared: Programming manuals, NAO, CFCD and NF Internal procedure Manuals, SPO manual of procedures, Monitoring and evaluation manuals, Communication guide, Decrees, Project Implementation manual, etc )
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Component III Regional Development -status and main challenges- Programming Conferral of Management OP revision Implementation Donors, IFIs and CSOs consultation 2 major projects prepared, implementation to follow 24 July 2009, FA entered into force on 18 September 2009, Ongoing First installment transferred, procurement process ongoing Regular consultation process is ensured
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Component IV Human Resources Development -status and main challenges- ProgrammingProgramming Conferral of ManagementConferral of Management OP revisionOP revision ImplementationImplementation Donors, CSOs, social partners consultationsDonors, CSOs, social partners consultations Envisaged projects in three priority axes 16 October 2009 Commission Decision, FA signing in procedure Expected at the beginning of 2010 with launching of first calls for applications Regular consultation process established
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Component V Rural Development -status and main challenges- Unique structure Programming Conferral of Management IPARD campaign Implementation MA and IPARD established IPARD Programme approved Accreditation package submitted, CoM expected in November 2009 Launching - end of October 2009 Beginning of 2010
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Component I Transition Assistance and Institution Building – status and main challenges- Programming Conferral of Management Implementation Annual Programmes up to 2009, programming 2010 ongoing Expected first quarter 2010 Lessons learned applied Co-financing and ownership increased CPs, CAs and MBs coordination mechanism established ToRs prepared during programming process Revision of threshold of MIPD per priority axes
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels COMPONENT II Cross Border Cooperation – status and main challenges- Programming Implementation Co-financing Partnerships Info campaign 4 CBC OPs approved, CBC OP with northern border to be initiated Centralized management ongoing, DIS structure to be established Fiscal Decentralisation versus Co-financing arrangements Promotion of sustainable partnerships Info days and partner matching events organised
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Monitoring and Evaluation Schemes Monitoring Evaluation Procedures established Transitional phase ongoing, Operating structures to take over the responsibility to perform monitoring activities Clear segregation of responsibilities between NIPAC office and CFCD Capacity building for Interim evaluation
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Wider environmental framework PIFC Public Procurement Internal Budgetary procedures Internal audit units established in 49 public sector entities on central level and 39 on local level. (121 internal auditors employed) Strategy for development of the system for public procurement, aimed for strengthening of capacity and system of public procurement is ongoing Co-financing obligation incorporated in the budgetary procedure. Further harmonization of relevant acquis
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels To finalise the conferral of management processes in the 1 quarter of 2010; Retention policy of civil servants; Capacity Building and increase of number of employees as per WLA; Increase capacities of the potential beneficiaries outside administration; OPs revisions Increase of number of participation in the CPs and CAs IMMEDIATE CHALLENGES AHEAD –
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Conference "Effective Support for Enlargement", Brussels Mid-term and long term steps Maintaining of the conferral of management powers Minimize the staff turnover Institution building of new IAs Absorption capacity (building) for Structural and Cohesion Funds… from 2014? or earlier?