The Masquerade Project Write a half page to a full page description describing which of the following masks you wear most often and why. The “Chameleon” Mask- you change who you are depending on your situation. The “Normal” Mask- you try to hide something about yourself because you are afraid of what others might say. The “Everything’s Ok” Mask- you might be hurting but instead of reaching out for help, you try to struggle through the pain alone.
Day One Steps: Half page to full page description of the mask. Decorate a mask to reflect the type of mask you have chosen. Use your writing as your guide.
Day 2 Steps: Write a letter to yourself that contains the following: Begins with a story illustrating a time when you wore a mask. Include three clear reasons why you should “take down your mask” (Remember the audience is YOU not your teacher.) Conclude with a challenge.
Rubric Description of Mask- 30 points Wrote on topic- 20 Followed length requirements- 10 Mask- 10 points Colored and Neat Letter- 60 points Contains a story- 20 Three reasons- 20 Challenge- 10 Followed length requirements- 10