Get a textbook from the shelf. Have a sheet of loose leave out on your desk. Warm-up (in your notebook) Have you ever sought revenge against someone who wronged you? Does revenge solve the problem? Explain.
Students will read and evaluate major plot events in the story The Cask of Amontillado in order to make inferences about characters and character actions.
The Cask of Amontillado -Setting -Vocab -Purpose for Reading
Carnival is a secular holiday but it involves the Christian observance of lent. Lent is a forty-five period of fasting before Easter. Carni/val = “flesh” (meat) + Farewell Traditionally, people abstained from eating meat during lent. However, modern fasting often involves giving up something one enjoys.
Carnival is a time of excess and indulgence. Excessive drinking and eating is common at Carnival. People often wear masquerade style costumes as part of the festivities. The combination of alcohol and masks tends to create an atmosphere where people tend to let down their inhibitions.
How might you describe the mood of Carnival or Mardi Gras just based on these pictures?
Cask =A large barrel like container, used for storing liquids, typically alcoholic drinks. Amontillado = A Spanish wine.
Mason – A stone worker. Trowel- A small flat tool used to spread mortar.
Written in Use your text tools! Footnotes Words to Know Re-read if necessary
The Cask of Amontillado p.209 While you are reading: Write a 2-3 sentence summary of plot events at the end of each column. After reading: Be prepared for a group discussion. IF YOU FINISH EARLY…study your vocab words.
Column 1: Redressed = remedy or set right. Retribution = revenge; punishment that is deserved. “A wrong is unredressed (not remedied) when retribution (revenge) over takes its redresser (the one seeking revenge)” (209). >Revenge is not as sweet if the one seeking revenge becomes obsessed with revenge. Does Montressor become obsessed with revenge?
Column 1: Fortunado has offended the narrator so deeply, that the narrator has spent a long period of time plotting his revenge against Fortunado. In order to consummate his revenge, the narrator has created two conditions under which this revenge must take place, which are… What terms does Montressor set up for his revenge? 1.) 2.)
Turn and Talk – Discuss your notes with your neighbor. Class Discussion
In literature, Montressor would be called an unreliable narrator. Why would Montressor be considered unreliable?
Some readers feel that Montressor suffers for his crime, feeling haunted by guilt. Others see him as a criminal for seeming to gloat about his evil act. What do you think will happen to Montressor?
Get a textbook from the shelf. Pick up a handout from the front desk. Copy your homework. Have out your Cask of Amontillado notes.
Listen to the following sound clips. What emotional reaction does the music produce? How do you feel while you are listening to the music?
Students will analyze literary and stylistic elements in the short story The Cask of Amontillado in order to determine how these elements create mood.
What is mood? Mood: The feeling or atmosphere the writer creates for the reader. What are some words that describe mood?
Authors use mood to create an experience for the reader. Mood allows the reader to connect to the text on an emotional level. Builds a bond between reader, characters, and events in the text. – Brings the reader into the text. Helps reinforce the author’s purpose
Turn and Talk – What are some stylistic elements that create a mood, or emotion, in the text?
1.) Identify the mood on each page of the story. You may not use the same mood word twice! 2.) Identify two stylistic elements on that page that create the mood. 3.) Explain the effect the mood has on the story.
pMkhttp:// pMk (1:30-5:55)
1.) Identify the mood of a scene. 2.) Identify the stylistic element that created this mood. 3.) Explain the effect of the mood on the scene.
1.) What is one reason writers create mood in literature, film, etc. 2.) What is the mood in the following situation? In the disarray of the building evacuation, the little girl was separated from her mother. Incarcerated by the mass of people, the little girl tried desperately to find her way out of the crowed.