Today’s linear manufacturing value chain Design Planning Operations Distribution OEM Supplier Customer
eMarketplaces and hubs form into networks Company Public eMarketplace Freight exchange Logistics hub Manufacturer Private hub Financial service provider
Optimizing IT Reduce IT integration cost Increase visibility Reduce complexity Use Internet standards
Optimizing IT Web services Organic IT X-Internet Increase productivity
Traditional Technology Stacks Ops HR CRM Software: Monolithic Processors: Single purpose Storage: Isolated Network: Fragmented LAN Hitachi SAP HP WAN EMC Dell PeopleSoft Internet Sun NetApp Siebel
Traditional Technology Stacks Ops HR CRM Software: Monolithic Processors: Single purpose Storage: Isolated Network: Fragmented LAN Hitachi SAP HP WAN EMC Dell PeopleSoft Internet Sun NetApp Siebel Web services Compute nodes Storage virtualization Redundant array of Internet links