Maria Vanda Nunes de Lima Edinburgh 28 June- 1st July 2011


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Presentation transcript:

Maria Vanda Nunes de Lima Edinburgh 28 June- 1st July 2011 INSPIRE Data Specifications Annex II & III Themes Collaboration with projects: LC & LU Maria Vanda Nunes de Lima Edinburgh 28 June- 1st July 2011

Outline INSPIRE Directive Data Specifications- Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Methodology Where we are Next steps INSPIRE progress

What is INSPIRE? European legislation “Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community” Distributed infrastructure General rules for establishment Environment INSPIRE - Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community - is a Legal framework in place (Directive 2007/2/EC) establishing a spatial data infrastructure built on those of the 27 Member States. INSPIRE is a Distributed infrastructure, building on infrastructures for spatial information that are being set-up and maintained by the member states of the European Union. INSPIRE is an environmental legislation, as it was conceived for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. 34 Spatial Data Themes Entry into force 15/5/2007 27 countries 21 languages European legislation

Scope INSPIRE Directive Spatial data held by or on behalf of a public authority operating down to the lowest level of government when laws or regulations require their collection or dissemination INSPIRE covers 34 Spatial Data Themes laid down in 3 Annexes required to successfully build environmental information systems INSPIRE only addresses data held by public authorities (or by a third party on behalf of a public authority) INSPIRE will only affect public authorities which are the custodian of relevant data that needs to be reported, collected or disseminated to a higher level of administration. Data collected for local purposes only falls not under INSPIRE. INSPIRE covers in its scope 34 themes of data, which, as you will recognise, are used for developing information systems for a wide variety of applications.

INSPIRE Legal Acts published in the Official Journal Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) 14.03.2007 INSPIRE Metadata Regulation 03.12.2008 Commission Decision regarding INSPIRE monitoring and reporting 05.06.2009 Regulation on INSPIRE Network Services 19.10.2009 (View and discovery) Corrigendum to INSPIRE Metadata Regulation 15.12.2009 Regulation on INSPIRE Data and Service Sharing 29.03.2010 Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 976/2009 as regards download services and transformation services 10.12.2010 COMMISSION REGULATION implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services 10.12.2010 (Annex I) COMMISSION REGULATION amending Regulation 1089/2010 as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services 05.02.2011 (code list) The INSPIRE Directive is of paramount importance for the harmonized access to geospatial information in Europe. The INSPIRE Directive was published in 2007 and is a European Law telling member states to set-up and operate a national spatial data infrastructure. The INSPIRE components are further detailed in so-called Implementing Rules that harmonize the documentation, access, and use of data in the scope of INSPIRE. Also these Implementing Rules are European Legal acts that Member States have to implement. European law affecting 30+ countries, 21+ languages

INSPIRE’s participatory approach To-date, over 650 organizations are registered as INSPIRE stakeholders Providing experts, reference material, projects Participate in user requirements survey Participate in reviewing and testing of specifications And learn from each other INSPIRE contributes to global solutions INSPIRE is EU contribution to Global Earth Observation System of Systems Stakeholders participating in INSPIRE are international Group on Earth Observations United Nations Geospatial Information Working Group Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) of the United Nations EuroGeographics World Meteorological Organisation Region VI grouping (RAVI) WMO Global Runoff Data Centre Stakeholders participating in INSPIRE are National Stakeholders participating in INSPIRE are Projects Interested? Register!

Development of data specification - step wise process Directive (2007) Modelling Framework for INSPIRE data specifications (2008) Data specifications for the 9 Annex I data themes (2009) Data specifications for the 25 Annex II/III data themes (2012) Part of the legal framework  Implementation mandatory for European Member States Interoperability of spatial data sets and services (Implementing Rule) (2009..2012) 7

“Fitness for purpose testing”... Steps 1+6: *Use Case Development * Implementation, Test and Validation, Cost-Benefit Analysis Use case development As-is analysis Identification of user requirements and spatial object types Driver of the process... ...helps understand user requirements, and justify the current model structure Validation of use cases in: “Fitness for purpose testing”... Gap analysis Data specification development D 2.6 The use cases and application scenarios for the environmental policies to be supported by the INSPIRE data specifications in this development cycle are identified. The use cases are described in sufficient detail to clarify the requirements regarding the data from the spatial data themes. Implementation, testing and validation Implementation, testing and validation Cost/benefit analysis

Data Specifications Regulation published in Official Journal COMMISSION REGULATION implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services 10.12.2010 (Annex I) COMMISSION REGULATION amending Regulation 1089/2010 as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services 05.02.2011 (code list) 9Technical Guidelines published Annex I Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Addresses Cadastral parcels Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites INSPIRE progress

Grouping of Themes Annex II Elevation Land cover Ortho-imagery Geology 21. Mineral resources (Annex III) Annex III Statistical units 10. Population distribution – demography Buildings Soil Land use Human health and safety Utility and governmental services Environmental monitoring facilities Production and industrial facilities Agricultural and aquaculture facilities Area management/restriction /regulation zones & reporting units Natural risk zones Atmospheric conditions Meteorological geographical features Oceanographic geographical features Sea regions Bio-geographical regions Habitats and biotopes Species distribution Energy Resources INSPIRE progress

Who is involved Thematic working groups -19 TWGs for Annex II&III TWG Facilitators TWG Editors Domain experts EC INSPIRE Team (INSPIRE CT = DG ENV, DG JRC, DG Eurostat) Technical coordination = JRC INSPIRE team Data Specifications Drafting Team (DS DT) Stakeholders Legally mandated organisations (LMOs) Spatial data interest communities (SDICs)

Data Specification v3 (04.2012) Annex II/III Roadmap Kick-off: 19-20.04 2010 Data Specification v1 (29.10.2010) Data Specification v2 (06.2011) Testing/Consultation (06-20.2011) Data Specification v3 (04.2012) Draft IR (10.2012) II III IV I II III IV I II III 2010 2011 2012

Now: Consultation & Testing 22 June- 21 October 2011 Two separate, but closely related activities: Main aim of consultation: Comment the data specification documents (V.2.0) Domain-specific aspects and Cross-thematic aspects (overlaps and gaps, inconsistencies) Main aims of testing: To test data specifications (V2.0) against real spatial data To report back to the INSPIRE CT and TWGs gained experience will be used to improve the data specifications for v3.0 the basis for amendment of the Regulation on Interoperability of spatial data sets Testing Kick off meeting done (22 June2011 Exchange testing releated information

Consultation & Testing 22 June- 21 October 2011 Documents for Consultation & Testing D2.8.I.x Data Specification on <Theme Name> – Draft Guidelines: 24 PDF documents D2.5 Generic Conceptual Model updates D2.9 Guidelines for the use of Observations & Measurements and Sensor Web Enablement-related standards in INSPIRE Annex II and III data specification For Reference GML Application Schemas: 1 ZIP archive UML Model (XMI, EAP, HTML) The “INSPIRE Data Specifications Cost-benefit considerations” document INSPIRE Annex I testing summary report

Testing – Overview Feasibility testing  main focus of testing measure technical feasibility and effort related to transforming existing data (e.g., from Member States’ organisations) into data compliant with the requirements and schemas proposed in the data specification documents Fitness for purpose testing assess the benefits of harmonised data specifications from an end-user or application point of view Provide cost-benefit information Related to the testing Contextual / not directly related to testing

Outcomes From Testing SDICs/LMOs: Testing report via WebForm 20.06.2011-21.10.2011 Consultation 20.06.2011-01.10.2011 From Testing SDICs/LMOs: Testing report via WebForm SDICs/LMOs: Comments delivered via XLS spredsheet INSPIRE CT: Import of XLS comments to JIRA From Consultation SDICs/LMOs: Comments delivered via XLS spreadsheet INSPIRE CT:Import of XLS comments to JIRA Call for Consultation Published 22.06.2011 Call for Testing Out 08.04.2011 Testing Reports (WebForm) XLS template for comments 01.06.2011 XLS template for comments 01.06.2011 SDIC/LMO DB Jira

Next steps: roadmap Comment resolution : Comments resolution: 24 October-02 December 2011 Comment Resolution Workshop: 05-07 December 2011 Comment resolution (cont.) 08 December to 27 January 2012 Delivery DS v2.9: 24 February 2012 Internal revision DS v2.9: 27 Febr.- 23 March 2012 Preparation DS v3.0 RC: 26 March – 20 April 2012 Preparing draft IR: 23 April- 29 June 2012 Done by JRC data specification team with support from TWGs ISC: 02- 27 July 2012

Still time and need to participate at the development process Next steps Draft IR: 03-21 September 2012 Done by JRC data specification team with support from TWGs Until there: Still time and need to participate at the development process THANK YOU