A Moment to Reflect Three (3) things that have worked well for you this semester Two (2) things that have concerned you whilst teaching IT this semester. One (1) thing that you would like more information on. WSR IT Teacher Network
Industry guest Ms Lisa Faia- Microsoft Education Account Manager: Microsoft IT Academy default.mspx default.mspx WSR IT Teacher Network
Work Placement Must meet the Workplace Learning PolicyWorkplace Learning Policy Compulsory for HSC 2 unit accreditation not Certificate II setting up work placement depends on the processes used by each of the LCP’s- move towards standardised student placement record electronic paperwork. What types of employers are you looking for??? What skills do you want the students to have the opportunity to practice whilst on placement?? WSR IT Teacher Network
Work placement (cont) Resources available: Workplace Learning Journal: Workplace Learning Journal: Updated Journal Updated Journal Work placement preparation WSR IT Teacher Network
ICAU2231B: Use computer operating systems. Discussion stimulators: How are you delivering this competency? How is competence being determined? What are your benchmarks for competence? Are you sharing these and validating them with industry or colleagues? Did you bring assessment packages that you are using to determine competence? WSR IT Teacher Network
WSR Resources WSR IT Teacher Network WSR Wiki: WSR Wiki WSR Information Technology Assessment packages; these are designed by teachers to assist in ensuring that there is standardisation across delivery sites regarding the determination of competence. The value of these packages comes from teachers validating them and using them.
Open Discussion WSR IT Teacher Network Problems? Comments? Next meeting? Value of this meeting? Competency Focus? Industry guest suggestions?