The year in a (tiny) nutshell: Unit 1: Narratives (plot, character) Unit 2: Arguments (point of view, narrator, voice, TKM) Unit 3: “Change can be Unexpected” (irony and summary) Unit 4: Response to Literature (symbolism/allegory, poetry) Unit 5: Consumer and Workplace Docs (Business letter) Unit 6: CAHSEE, Research Paper (test prep, paper) Unit 7: Drama (The Play—Julius Caesar, and Oedipus) Unit 8: Society and the Individual—Joy Luck Club
Grading Policies Grade Categories Essays, writing, projects: 35% Tests, quizzes: 30% Class work, homework: 25% Independent Reading: 5% Class Participation: 5% Class IDs and Passwords Period 1: ID = PW = Jaguars2017 Period 3: ID = PW = Jaguars2017
My website! My school website is under the “Teachers” link at (Search by last name.) and other relevant, helpful information is under the “Links” tab on the left side of the page. The 10 th Grade Honors Materials link takes students to relevant documents and PPTs.
Required Reading
Independent Reading Reading at home is required. IR assignments will be collected every six weeks. Some suggested titles: Harry Potter series, Catcher in the Rye, Fahrenheit 451, The Kite Runner, Flowers for Algernon, Lord of the Flies, Catch-22, Divergent series, The Hunger Games, Call of the Wild See list near classroom library for other great suggestions! Also, visit my website for popular books and authors!
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