XIS FM sensors cal. report Hiroshi Nakajima 2004.3.16 XIS


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Presentation transcript:

XIS FM sensors cal. report Hiroshi Nakajima XIS

CCD -90 deg. C was achieved with BUS power supply of 4W ・ TEC hot side T is fixed to ~-40 deg. C ・ Monitored the CCD T varying the SCL of TEC from 110% to 40% 1.TEC cooling performance As for S2 and S3, see the report of Osaka Univ. on Web. (Almost the same result was obtained.)

2. Energy resolution and Readout noise 55 Fe(5.89,6.49keV) MnKα Main MnKβ Main Si escape Si Kα constant FM-S0FM-S1FM-S2FM-S3 (FWHM) eV (±0.6) (±0.4) (±0.7) (±1.1) Readout noise (RMS) electrons 2.0 (±0.1) 3.3 (±0.2) 1.8 (±0.1) 2.3 (±0.1) Expected resolution and noise level for every sensor HOC active

3.How to measure and correct CTI with CI We plot the readout PH of injected charge for each column. (This should contain the info. of parallel CTI.) Then compensate the charge for the dependency with column. (This correct the parallel CTI.) X (pixel) PH X (pixel) PH We intended to adopt the following method: With any method, we must confirm the stability of the amount of injected charge first of all.

4.Amount of charge in the specific pixel Injected Charge: 4.6keV,FWHM85eV for X-ray ⇒ ~70% of Ti(4.5keV,FWHM123eV) Injected charge counts PH Distribution of injected charge to specific pixel ( 350frames )

PH X (pixel) 5.Stability of the amount of injected charge We took dark image with CI on at 3/9 and 3/10 with FM-S3 (100 frames each). Red:03/09 Green:03/10 Possible correlation was seen

6.Column dependency of the charge Amount of injected charge Correlation between inj. charge and 55 Fe 5ch Amount of charge of 55Fe event 5ch Is the dispersion of injected charge between pixels due to CTI? If so, 55 Fe events show the same pattern. Dispersion of X-ray events is smaller ⇒ we cannot conclude the correlation CTI between columns?…NO fit: slope 0.04±0.02 PH X (pixel) PH X (pixel) 55 Fe Inj. charge Parallel CTI:1-2×10 -6 =2-3ch/1024 trans.

7.Causes of column-dependent dispersion Disperse when injected from input diode? ⇒ NO. amount of charge is stable in the specific pixel. CTI in the serial register? ⇒ NO. it should result in no dispersion. Charge were lossed when transferred from serial register to IA? This result will be the reference for further calibration Do we need to adopt other method to correct CTI as suggested by Steve-san? Inject 2 or more rows varying the spacing Make charge various up and down

8.Summary 1.TEC successfully cooled CCD to ~-90 deg. C with power supply of ~4W 2.ΔE(FWHM) ~ eV Read out noise ~2-3 electrons for all FM sensors 3.We cannot see the correlation between the column dependency of injected charge and 55Fe events. Do we need other method for CTI correction?

1.TEC cooling performance

1. CTI by 55Fe data Mean of the data for 0<X<7 Mean of the data for 248<X<255 Y (pixel) PH Parallel CTI:2.04×10 -6 Parallel CTI:1.06×10 -6