The EDA approach to ATI. A European civil/military way ahead Brussels, 9th February 2012 Giampaolo LILLO, EDA Armaments Director
2 Outline UAS usage – the strategic view The regulatory challenge and R&D – a few words The macro UAS view A triggering opportunity The UAS Joint Investment Programme Conclusion
3 UAS usage - the strategic view UAS restricted to segregated airspace, and mainly for military purposes. For the military, UAS have proven their value in operations for many years, also in support for civil operations. Present requirement to use UAS in restricted airspace is increasingly incompatible with the extension to security-related, scientific and environmental monitoring missions. To unleash the full potential of UAS, Europe needs a framework of rules and regulations, supported by proven reliable technologies. Military community has already acquired operational experience and technical achievements;
4 The regulatory challenge – a few words Today UAS operations - are based on exceptional permissions. The administrative effort is considerable. It is simply not possible to fly an unmanned platform regularly under safe and conflict free conditions for any other airspace user. Need: to create the applicable regulatory framework The regulatory framework goes hand in hand with the research and development efforts to satisfy the operational needs; we need to tackle R&D now.
5 The macro UAS view… There is a strong need to coordinate the activities to achieve seamless UAS Air Traffic insertion and to commonly determine responsibilities for all relevant European entities. EDA is ready to continue the dialogue with European institutions and stakeholders for common programmes in the field of UAS; A sustained civil/military dialogue is the right opportunity to achieve the needed coordination for Europe.
6 A triggering opportunity EDA's work on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Air Traffic Insertion is a triggering opportunity for creating Civil / Military synergies! What has been done so far? Defence Ministers tasking to EDA in 2007 to define the challenges to UAS Air Traffic Insertion. Air4All prepared Road Map and implementation plan; Several concrete activities have been established by EDA pMS…. SIGAT, MIDCAS, EDA-ESA Demonstration, EREA for UAS etc. Defence Ministers launch of EFC in 2009 and tasking to EDA in 2010 to prepare the JIP UAS as the EDA contribution to EFC
7 The UAS Joint Investment Programme Target: to initiate the work on the remaining technological challenges for UAS Air Traffic Insertion as well as to start the exploitation of their capabilities. This would allow to effectively acquire the necessary technologies for both the air traffic insertion of unmanned aircraft and the exploitation of their capabilities by governmental, civilian security and defence end-users.
8 In conclusion: UAS have been operated for a long time in military missions, including in support to civilian tasks; EDA tasked by Defence Ministers to work on a coherent set of initiatives to address technology & demonstration work with regard to UAS ATI; To perform this task, EDA has initiated to cooperate with the relevant institutions /stakeholders to perform a number of concrete activities; Concrete results are already available and can be shared in a more structured approach; >> EDA is ready to continue the dialogue with European institutions and stakeholders for common programmes in the field of UAS <<
Thank you for your attention!
11 What makes ATI difficult? Legacy of strict civil and military division, despite: - Shared objectives of security & safety; - Shared need for solving technical challenges; - Shared need for understanding the global picture on UAS; Lack of political awareness on UAS potential for civil/security/defence missions; Lack of structured, end-result driven approach;
12 The challenge We know what the European Armed Forces need (functionalities of UAS are clear) What is missing is a civil/military common understanding of UAS requirements Culture of Cooperation and Community Common Understanding Mutual Recognition
13 UAS ATI technology work 2008/2009:Air4All roadmap study outlining the procedural and technological challenges which prevent UAS ATI; TheAir4All Road Map introduces a stepped approach for the UAS ATI; Technology topics which need to be resolved: EDA and pMS already some of these within CAT B projects, EDA funded studies and preparing Joint activities (Status on-going). Automatic take off /landing systems Automatic taxiing Weather detection and protection Interoperability Autonomous behaviour/decision making Operator interface Visual landmark and obstacle avoidance Radio bandwidth allocation Separation & Collision avoidance Secure, sustainable COMM for C2 ATC interface Dependable emergency recovery Health monitoring/Fault Detection
14 UAS ATI technology work Sense & Avoid Demonstrator MIDCAS - FR/SE/DE/IT/ES invest ca 50M EUR (EDA CAT B project); - Status: regular UAS stakeholder consultations. Engines study: - Scoping UAS engine standards and new developments; - Final report drafted October 2011; - Finalisation Jan 2012 SIGAT: Study on Military Spectrum requirements for the Insertion into the General Air Traffic of the UAS: - 26 EDA pMS involved; value ca. 1.56M EUR; - addressing spectrum requirements.
15 Command & Control link, ATC link via Satellite Services (ESA&EDA) - 2 parallel feasibility studies – IDEAS and SINUE successfully finalized 2010; - Currently EDA-ESA coordination for a common demonstration mission; - Status: EDA-ESA PA to be signed by the end of 2011; demo campaign expected Several EDA R&T relevant studies. UAS ATI technology work
16 UAS Project Principle
17 EREA for UAS (E4U) support EDA funded project aiming at scoping the topics for the EDA UAS Programme (JIP), drawing on the Air4All roadmap; Prioritize technical topics and draft EDA business case for the EDA JIP UAS under the EFC; Wide stakeholder consultation ; NOW in finalization process in order to be integrated into the work of pMS expert work;
18 Technical content