The Financial Crisis and Food Security June 2011
o Survey conducted face-to-face in the respondents home o Fieldwork: mid-April – beginning of May 2011 o Population: representative sample of population 15+ o Coverage: European Union, 27 Member States o Number of interviews: 26,825 Special Eurobarometer 3
A.Europeans and the crisis Support for a tax on financial transactions Impact of crisis: short or long term? Euro: mitigating the impact? Facing crisis: a co-ordinated approach Austerity or growth? Priority for policies B.Food security 5
A. Europeans and the crisis
Support for a tax on financial transactions
8 1.1 TFT – Majority of Europeans are in favour of a financial transaction tax Total In favour: 61% Total Opposed : 26%
9 1.1 TFT – Differences by group of countries
TFT: Europeans similarly support both TFT at a global level and at EU level first 6.2 & 6.3 Please tell me if you are in favour or opposed to each of the following statements related to this tax. Introducing a tax on financial transactions, but only at a global level, if international agreement is reached Introducing a tax on financial transactions in the EU at first, if international agreement is not reached Total In favour: 85% Total Opposed : 11%Total Opposed : 14% Total In favour: 81% * Basis : Questions asked to 61% of respondents in favour of a TFT
In favour of a TFT: the reasons * * Basis : Questions asked to 61% of respondents in favour of a TFT
Impact of crisis: short or long term?
The crisis is going to last for many years: a significant deterioration in perceptions
Pessimism has increased most in the countries with the highest unemployment rates QA5 When it comes to a return to growth in (OUR COUNTRY), which one of the following opinions is closest to your own?
Euro: mitigating the impact?
1.3 Public opinion in Europe on the cushioning role of the euro is deteriorating 16
Total Agree : 34% Total Disagree : 57% Public opinion in Europe on the cushioning role of the euro is deteriorating
In almost all Member States, the feeling that the euro has mitigated the impact of the crisis is down
Euro as a cushion: the influence of respondents position on the return to growth
Facing crisis: acting in a coordinated way?
Facing crisis: strong preference for co-ordinated measures
Acting in a coordinated way: the influence of respondents position on the return to growth
Austerity or growth ?
Facing crisis – Austerity or growth?
Policy priorities
1.6 Dealing with poverty and social exclusion as the policy priority 26 * (QA1a+b – Total – Multiple answers possible) *
2. Food security
Helping agriculture in developing countries is the most efficient measure to fight against increasing price of food products
Public opinion in Europe strongly approves of the European Union actions to promote food security 95% 92% 86%
Thank you