Soyeong Jeon Oral communication
f MySpace : Famous social network site (SNS) Individuals create digital profiles and Link to others (“friends”) Similar to sharing home pages A cross between a yearbook and community Web site.
Most users opt to make their profiles public -This openness puts youth at risk, making them vulnerable to predators Different notions of privacy between teens and adults -Teens do not fully understand the risks of making certain information pubic
DOPA : Deleting Online Predators Act of Protecting minors from online predators -Prohibiting schools and libraries from providing access to these types of websites to minors or create restrictions to use of these type of sites. But, the law is so broadly defined. It would limit access to any commercial site that allows users to create a profile and communicate with strangers. It did NOT work! Predators lurk everywhere!
Governing Philosophy for dealing with MySpace and other social software 1.Communicate with your daughter or son. 2.Create an account to understand how the site works, but not to stalk your kids (not surveillance!) 3.Ask your kids how they choose to represent themselves and why. 4.Talk about private/public issues. 5.Talk through what kids should do if they receive unwanted attention online.