1 Cohesion Policy Evaluation Network Meeting: Brussels, October 2010 Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy interventions financed by the Cohesion Fund (including former ISPA) Jurate Vaznelyte, DG REGIO Evaluation Unit
2 Cohesion Policy Organization of the evaluation Breakdown into 3 work packages: WP A - Contribution to EU transport and environment policies. Final report is due in July WP B - Cost benefit analysis of selected 10 transport projects WP C - Cost benefit analysis of selected 10 Environment projects Final reports are due in March 2011
3 Cohesion Policy Work Package A Objective To assess the contribution of the Cohesion Fund and ISPA to the development of the EU transport system, to achieving the EU acquis in the field of environment and the effect of ISPA as a preparation for Structural Fund and Cohesion Fund programmes Tasks 1 - Funds' missions, strategies and resources - FINISHED 2 - Financial and physical outcomes - FINISHED 3 - Unit costs 4 - Management and Implementation 5 - Contribution to the development of Trans European Transport System 6 - Contribution to achieving the environmental acquis 7 - Synthesis
4 Cohesion Policy Work Packages B and C Objective To carry out ex post cost benefit analyses for 10 transport projects (WP B) and for 10 environment projects (WP C) co-financed by the Cohesion Fund (including former ISPA) and to learn from these analyses for the current and future programming periods Tasks 1 - Selecting 10 major transport and environment projects and carrying out the ex post CBA analysis The reports with the 20 project ex post CBA and some preliminary conclusions are to be submitted today. 2 - Assessing cost benefit analysis as method