AT91 Embedded Peripherals This training module provides an overview of the advanced peripheral functions available on some MCUs in the AT91 series. It’s important to emphasis the fact that ATMEL is not just another ARM based microcontroller supplier. The core is one thing but the richness and complexity of associated peripheral will make whole architecture a real solution for embedded applications.
SYSTEM and USER PERIPHERALS Overview System Peripherals External Bus Interface Advanced Interrupt Controller Parallel I/O Controller Watchdog Peripheral Data Controller System Timer Power Management Controller Real Time Clock User Peripherals USART Serial Peripheral Interface Timer Counter Analog to Digital Converter Digital to Analog Converter The AT91 microcontrollers integrate several peripherals, which are classified as system or user peripherals. All on-chip peripherals are 32-bit accessible by the AMBA bridge and can be programmed with a minimum number of instructions. The peripheral register set is composed of control, mode, data, status and enable/disable/status registers.
PIO Controller : Features Up to 32 Programmable Input Output lines I/O lines may be multiplexed with an on-chip peripheral signal to optimize the use of available package pins managed by the PIO controller Input Change Detection Interrupt on each line Available even in Peripheral mode Multi Driver (Open-Drain) Allows multiple devices to drive the PIO lines Reset state : all PIO configured as PIO in input PIO Multiplexed with EBI signals do not respect this rule Depending on the device, the AT91 microcontroller can have up to 2 PIO Controllers. The PIO Controller has 32 programmable IO lines, with pins dedicated as general purpose I/O pins and the other I/O lines are multiplexed with an external signal of a peripheral to optimize the use of available package pins. The PIO Controller enables the generation of an interrupt on input change on any of the PIO pins. After Reset, the pin is controlled by the PIO Controller and is in input. Each IO can be programmed for multi-driver option. This means that the I/O is configured as open drain in order to support external drivers on the same pin. An external pull-up is necessary to guarantee a logic level of one when the pin is not being driven.
PIO Controller : Block Diagram
PIO Controller : I/O Levels Each pin can be configured to be driven high or low The level is defined in four different ways, according to the following conditions : If a pin is controlled by the PIO Controller and is not defined as an output, the level is determined by the external circuit. If a pin is controlled by the PIO Controller and is defined as an output, the level is programmed using the registers Set Output Data (PIO_SODR) and Clear Output Data (PIO_CODR). If a pin is not controlled by the PIO Controller, the state of the pin is defined by the peripheral. In all cases, the level on the pin can be read in the register PIO_PDSR (Pin Data Status).
AIC : Features 8-level Priority Up to 32 Interrupt sources Individually maskable Hardware interrupt vectoring Internal Interrupt sources Level sensitive or edge triggered External Interrupt sources Low/High level sensitive or positive/negative edge triggered The AT91 microcontroller embeds an 8-level priority, individually maskable, vectored interrupt controller. This feature substantially reduces the software and real time overhead in handling internal and external interrupts. Internal sources are programmed to be level sensitive or edge triggered. External sources can be programmed to be positive or negative edge triggered or high or low level sensitive.
AIC : Block Diagram
WD : Features 16-bit Down Counter Programmable Time-out Period 4ms to 8s, with 33MHz system clock 4 Clock sources MCK/32, MCK/128, MCK/1024 and MCK/4096 3 Independent Outputs Internal Reset Internal Interrupt Low level on Watchdog overflow signal for a duration of 8 MCK cycles Control access keys The watchdog timer has a 16-bit down counter. Four clock sources are available to the watchdog counter and provides a programmable time-out period of 4ms to 8s with a 33MHz system clock. If an overflow occurs, the watchdog can generate an internal reset, internal interrupt or a low level on the NWDOF signal. All write accesses are protected by control access keys to help prevent corruption of the watchdog.
WD : Block Diagram
WD : Software Checking The Watchdog Timer can be used to prevent system lock-up if the software becomes trapped in a deadlock. In normal operation the user reloads the watchdog at regular intervals before the timer overflow occurs. If an overflow does occur, the watchdog timer generates one or a combination of signals.
ST : Features One Period Interval Timer (PIT) One Watchdog Timer (WD) 16-bit programmable counter periodic interrupt, useful for OS One Watchdog Timer (WD) maximum watchdog period of 256s with a typical slow clock of 32.768kHz One Real Time Timer (RTT) 20-bit free-running counter count elapsed seconds 1s increment with a typical slow clock of 32.768kHz count up to 1048576s (12 days) Alarm to generate an interrupt The System Timer module integrates three different free-running timer: A Period Interval Timer which provides periodic interrupts for use by operating system. It is build around a 16-bit down counter. A Watchdog timer which can be used to prevent system lock-up if the software becomes trapped in a deadlock. It is buils around a 16-bit down counter. It uses the slow clock divided by 128, this allows the maximum watchdog period to be 256s with a typical slow clock of 32.768kHz. A Real Time Timer, which can be used to count elapsed seconds. It is build around a 20-bit counter. The 20-bit counter can count up to 1048576s, corresponding to more than 12 days.
ST : Block Diagram
TC : Features Three 16-bit Timer/Counter channels Wide range of functions: Frequency measurement Event counting Interval measurement Pulse generation Delay timing Pulse Width Modulation Clock inputs 3 External and 5 Internal Two configurable Input/Ouput signals Internal interrupt signal Depending on the device, the AT91 microcontroller can have up to 2 Timer/Counter Blocks. Each containing three identical 16-bit timer counter channels. Each channel can be independently programmed to perform a wide range of functions including frequency measurement, event counting, interval measurement, pulse generation, delay timing and pulse width modulation. Each Timer Counter channel has three external clock inputs, five internal clock inputs, and two multi-purpose input/output signals which can be configured by the user. Each channel drives an internal interrupt signal which can be programmed to generate processor interrupts via the AIC.
TC : Block Diagram
TC : Clock Selection Internal clock signals: MCK/2, MCK/8, MCK/32, MCK/128, MCK/1024 External clock signals: XC0, XC1, XC2 Selected clock can be inverted Burst Function Each channel can independently select an internal or external clock source for its counter: Internal clock signals: MCK/2, MCK/8, MCK/32, MCK/128 and MCK/1024, External clock signals: XC0, XC1 and XC2. The selected clock can be inverted to allow counting on the opposite edges of the clock. The burst function allows the clock to be validated when an external signal is high.
TC : Clock Control Counter clock can be enabled/disabled and started/stopped Software Enabling Commands by Control Register : CLKEN and CLKDIS Loading RB in Capture Mode or RC Compare in Waveform Mode can stop or disable the counter clock The clock of each counter can be controlled in two different ways, it can be enabled/disabled and started/stopped.
TC : Operating Modes Two different modes: Capture Mode allows measurement on signals, Waveform Mode allows wave generation. Timer Counter Mode programmed with the WAVE bit in the TC Mode Register. Each Timer Counter channel can independently operate in two different modes: Capture Mode allows measurement on signals Waveform Mode allows wave generation.
TC : Triggers A trigger resets the counter and starts the counter clock. The following triggers are common to both modes: Software Trigger Each channel has a software trigger, available by setting SWTRG in TC_CCR. SYNC Each channel has a synchronization signal SYNC. When asserted, this signal has the same effect as a software trigger. The SYNC signals of all channels are asserted simultaneously by writing TC_BCR (Block Control) with SYNC set. Compare RC Trigger RC is implemented in each channel and can provide a trigger when the counter value matches the RC value if CPCTRG is set in TC_CMR. External triggers: TIOA or TIOB in Capture Mode TIOB, XC0,XCC1 or XC2 in Waveform Mode
TC : Capture Mode (1/3) TIOB input TIOA input Capture Register A Selected Clock Capture Register A Capture Register B Register C 16-bit Counter RC Compare SYNC SWTRG CPCTRG LDRA LDRB ABETRG TIOB input RA Loading Logic RB Loading Logic Edge Detector Capture Mode allows the TC channel to perform measurements such as pulse timing, frequency, period, duty cycle and phase on TIOA and TIOB signals which are considered as input. Registers A and register B are used as capture registers. This means that they can be loaded with the counter value when a programmable event occurs on signals TIOA and TIOB. ETRGEDG TIOA input TIOA and TIOB as input pins RA Loading Logic : can be loaded only after a trigger or if RB has been loaded RB Loading Logic : can be loaded only after a trigger and if RA has been loaded
TC : Capture Mode (2/3) Examples: Measure the phase between TIOB and TIOA and the duration of the TIOA pulse TIOB rising edge resets and starts the counter TIOA rising edge loads RA and a falling edge loads RB RA contains the phase between TIOB and TIOA (RB-RA) is the duration of the TIOA pulse
TC : Capture Mode (3/3) Measure the duration of a TIOA pulse or period TIOA falling edge resets and starts the counter and loads RB if RA is already loaded TIOA rising edge loads RA RA contains the duration of a TIOA pulse (low level) RB contains the duration of the TIOA period
TC : Waveform Mode (1/2) TIOA output TIOB output TIOB input Register A Register B Register C Selected Clock 16-bit Counter RA Compare RB Compare RC Compare ASWTRG SYNC AEEVT TIOA output SWTRG CPCTRG ACPC ACPA ENETRG EEVT BSWTRG XC0 Edge Detector BEEVT TIOB output XC1 XC2 BCPC EEVTEDG BCPB Waveform Mode allows the TC channel to generate 1 or 2 PWM signals with the same frequency and independently programmable duty cycles, or to generate different types of one-shot or repetitive pulses. In this mode, TIOA is configured as ouput and TIOB is defined as ouput if it is not used as an external event. RA, RB and RC are all used as compare registers. TIOB input TIOA is an output TIOB can be input or output depending on EEVT programming ( default is input ) Output controllers can set, clear or toggle outputs in function of events
TC : Waveform Mode (2/2) Examples: Dual Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) generation TIOA is toggled by RA and RC, TIOB by RB and RC A trigger starts the counter and initializes TIOA and TIOB The PWM frequency must be stored in the compare register RC The duty cycles on TIOA and TIOB are defined by RA and RB respectively
USART : Features Programmable Baud Rate Generator with External or Internal Clock Up to 1Mbits/s in Asynchronous Mode and up to 16Mbits/s in Synchronous Mode at 32MHz Parity, Framing and Overrun Error Detection Line Break generation and detection Automatic Echo, Local Loopback and Loopback Channel Modes Multi Drop Mode : Address Detection and Generation Interrupt Generation 2 Dedicated PDC Channels 5,6,7,8 and 9-bit Character Length Transmitter Time Guard Depending on the device, the AT91 microcontroller can have up to three identical, full duplex, universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitters which are connected to the Peripheral Data Controller.
USART : Block Diagram
USART : Baud Rate Generator Asynchronous Mode Baud rate = MCK period / 16 / CD Synchronous Mode Baud Rate = MCK period / CD The Baud Rate Generator provides the bit period clock (the Baud Rate clock) to both the receiver and the transmitter. The Baud Rate Generator can select between external and internal clock sources. The external clock source is SCK and the internal clock sources can be either the master clock MCK or the master clock divided by 8 (MCK/8).
USART : Reception Asynchronous: 8 bit 1 start and 1 stop In Asynchronous mode, the USART detects the start of a received character by sampling the RXD signal until it detects a valid start bit. when a valid start bit has been detected, the receiver samples the RXD at the theorical mid-point of each bit. In Synchronous Mode, the receiver samples the RXD signal on each rising edge of the baud rate clock.
USART : Transmission Asynchronous and Synchronous : 8 bit, parity and 1 stop The transmitter has the same behavior in both synchronous and asynchronous operating modes. Start bit, data bits, parity bit and stop bits are serially shifted, lowest significant bit first, on the falling edge of the serial clock.
USART : PDC Channels PDC shares the ASB bus with the ARM Core External or Internal Memories Access ARM Core stopped during 3 cycles min. Each PDC channel is dedicated to a peripheral and a transfer direction PDC Registers mapped in User Interface End of Transfer in the Status Register Typical Application Code download Packet Exchange Receiver Timeout Helps to Support Variable Length Packets Transmitter Time Guard helps to Support Slow Remote Devices PDC Channel ARM Core ASB Arbiter USART RXRDY PDC Receive Channel RXEND Size = Byte TXRDY PDC Transmit Channel TXEND Size = Byte The PDC channels allow to transfert data from on-chip peripherals such as USART, SPI to on-chip memories without CPU intervention.Each USART channel is closely connected to a corresponding Peripheral Dedicated Controller channel. One is dedicated to the receiver, the other is dedicated to the transmitter.
SPI : Features Serial Interface between CPU and External Peripherals Master or Slave Mode Full duplex 3 wires synchronous transfer MISO: Master In Slave Out MOSI: Master Out Slave In SPCK: SPI Clock Maximum SPI baud rate clock: MCK/4 4 External Slave chip selects 8 to 16-bit Programmable Data Length Mode Fault Detection in Master Mode 2 Dedicated PDC Channels Depending on the device, the AT91 microcontroller can have up to 2 SPIs which provide communication with external devices in master or slave mode. The SPI has four external chip selects which can be connected to up to 15 devices. The data length is programmable, from 8 to 16-bit. As for the USART, a 2-channel PDC can be used to move data between memory and the SPI without CPU intervention.
SPI : Block Diagram
SPI : Bus Implementations Up to 4 Peripherals Up to 15 Peripherals with Decoding AT91 AT91 SPI SPI 4 to 16 Decoder NPCS3 Q14 Serial Peripheral NPCS2 Serial Peripheral Q13 Serial Peripheral NPCS1 Serial Peripheral Q12 Serial Peripheral NPCS0 Serial Peripheral Q11 Serial Peripheral Serial Peripheral Q10 Serial Peripheral Q1 Serial Peripheral Q0 Serial Peripheral 4 different protocols possible First Bit set in NPCS field 4 different protocols possible 0-3, 4-7, 8-11, 12-14 Peripheral 15 is reserved for no selection
RTC : Real Time Clock (1/2) Available on the AT91M55800A only Features Low power consumption Complete time of day clock Programmable periodic interrupts Alarm Five programmable fields: Month, Date, Sec, Min and Hour Y2K compliant BCD Format The AT91M55800A features a Real Time Clock (RTC) peripheral that is designed for very low power consumption. It combines a complete time-of-day clock with alarm and a two hundred year calendar, complemented by a programmable periodic interrupt. The time and calendar value are coded in Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) format.
RTC : Real Time Clock (2/2) Block Diagram
ADC : Analog to Digital Converter (1/2) Available on the AT91M55800A only Features Two identical 4-channel ADC 10-bit resolution Successive Approximation Register (SAR) approach Settable analog input conversion range (dedicated VREF) 11 ADC clock cycles conversion time including 1 ADC clock cycle for sample and hold (e.g. 10µs for one channel at maximum clock rate) 4 LSB Maximum Integral Non-linearity Sleep mode (energy saving) Starting modes: Software trigger External input (A/D trigger) Timers on-chip event signal Dedicated analog power supply pins (VDDA and GNDA) Improve noise rejection End of conversion interrupt The AT91M55800A features two identical 4-channel 10-bit Analog-to-digital converters (ADC) based on a Successive Approximation Register (SAR) approach.
ADC : Analog to Digital Converter (2/2) Block Diagram Each ADC has 4 analog input pins (AD0 to AD3 and AD4 to AD7), digital trigger input pins (AD0TRIG and AD1TRIG), and provides an interrupt signal to the AIC. Both ADCs share the analog power supply pins (VDDA and GNDA) and the input reference voltage pin (ADVREF).
DAC : Digital to Analog Converter (1/2) Available on the AT91M55800A only Features Two identical 1-channel DAC 10-bit resolution 6µs maximum settling time Settable analog output range (dedicated VREF) 4 LSB Maximum Integral Non-linearity Starting modes: software trigger Timers on-chip event signal Dedicated analog power supply pins (VDDA and GNDA) Improve noise rejection Data ready interrupt The AT91M55800A features two identical 1-channel 10-bit Digital to Analoc Converters (DAC).
DAC : Digital to Analog Converter (2/2) Block Diagram Each DAC has an analog output pin (DA0 and DA1) and provides an interrupt signal to the AIC (DA0IRQ and DA1IRQ).