“Systems Council AdCom… Planning Our Future…Part 2” GP ppt Paul E. Gartz President, IEEE Systems Council Marriott Hotel, Montreal, Canada to ; Seattle, USA
Systems Council AdCom Structure Day 1 “Strategic Management” All Purpose: Where we are going Elements: Vision, Strategy, Teaming, Synergies, Outreach, Implementation Plans, Organization ½ Day Day 2 “Daily Management”Officers/All Purpose: Implementation Status Elements: Progress-to-Plan, Officer Reports, Implementation Issues, Actions Items 1 Day
Systems Council Strategic Planning #2 Thursday, ; 1:00 to 5:30p Agenda – Day 1 Strategic Management IntroductionsAll Review: Key Strategy ConcernsPaul Implementation Planning I Step 1: Sys C Presidents’ Summit Paul/Clyde Vision & Strategies DevelopmentAll Implementation Planning IIAll Steps 2-x: Specific Actions Each Sys C Officer/Rep Organizing to Support Strategy
Systems Council Strategic Planning #2 Friday, ; 7:30-8:15 to 5:00 Agenda – Day 2 “Daily Management” President’s Report: Paul/Theo Call-to-Order, Minutes, Action Items, New TAB Directions, Web President-elect Report: SRC Review Clyde/Bob FinancesIan/Bob Conferences: Montreal-2008; Vancouver-2009 Paul/Bob/Jim Publications:Vin/Mo Member Services: Transnational/Chapters/Fellows Wai-Chi Technical Activities: DLsPaul Adjourn
Suggested Top Systems Council Goals ; Systems Council AdCom; San Francisco Stabilize and Grow Systems Council Serve Key Constituencies Who are Customers, Markets, Products/Services and Priorities? Phase Actions from Strategy
Systems Council Presidents’ Summit “Planning Our Future…Together” GP ppt Paul E. Gartz President, IEEE Systems Council Past President, IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society Boeing Commercial Airplanes Systems of Systems ; Seattle, USA
Systems Council “Presidents’ Summit” , 17; Louisville KY, USA Goals Start Strategy Implementation Gain Leverage and Serve World by Partnering with Member Societies Step #1: Get Presidents Interested Get New IEEE Societies Signed as Sys C Members Tie Systems C to IEEE Leadership; Influence “Grand Challenges” “Venue” Hosted at IEEE Top Board Series…paid by donations
Why are We Here? Basic Premise of Today If Sys C “Works Together” w/Member S/Cs, We Can create a Win/Win If Systems C Succeeds Alone it’s a Win If Sys C also Works w/IEEE Vision & Leadership, can create a Win/Win/Win
Observations…Issues & Opportunities IEEE has Independent OUs S/Cs and Sections Work Separately Industry to IEEE: Give More “Integration” Good IEEE Vision, But Few Do It Major Societal Issues Need Technical Help & Systems Thinking Seize Opportunity & Lead Bottom Up
- “Systems of Global and National Significance” Implies Systems-of-Systems, Nations and Transnational Includes All System Aspects for Holistic Look “Living Systems” & HMI (Human-Machine Interface) Business, Economics, Politics, Marketing Industry, Academia, Government, Lay Public Management and Technical Bottom Line Performance Line RAA Systems Council Scope We are an OU of “Practice” A TAB Organizational Unit (OU) Bottom Line Performance Line RAA Minimize Overlap w/Member Societies New…Seek Win/Win, Engage, Extract Synergies As Modified from 1st Meeting, September 2005, Montreal
Why Should You Care about SoSs? Where Money is Made Will Change!!! SoSs will Emerge as Macro-Integrators SoSs will Specify Architecture Frameworks and New Requirements Telecomm/Nav Used by SoSs in New Ways Earth Predictions are Key to All Global Defense Investments are Changing Will Link w/Security Both Will Embrace “Dual Use” & Civil Sector
Infrastructure SoS Security SoS Earth Decisions SoS (e.g., GEOSS+) Transportation SoS Develop Roads, Ports, Power, Communications, etc. Emerging Systems-of-Systems (SoS) Markets New TAB “Sectors” Defend & Secure Country New Markets + Societal Benefits Observe Water, Air, Earth, Space & Predict Earth (Climate, Weather++) Transport People and Cargo in Cars, Trucks, Ships, Trains, Airplanes Some Major Societal Functions/Systems Health SoS Assure Human Health What’s New = Better Interoperability
Common “Glue” is Needed for all SoSs Networks Sensors Signal Processing Common- ication Computing, Software SoS Systems/Technologies & Systems…All IEEE S/Cs Navigation Geo- Spatial Data
Introductions Systems Council Societies w/Interest & Presidents = Member, Systems Council= Potential Member, Systems Council
Technologies, Systems, Products & Services SoS Market Sectors – S/C Matrix SoSs + Transportation Energy Health GEOSS Global Markets India Europe Asia US/Americas Markets + Middle East TBD CASSGRSS …Systems Council Member Societies… Signal Processing Medical Electronics ComputingCommunication Systems Engineering …
Market Scope Implications Sys C May Want a Sub-market for Each SoS GEOSS, Healthcare, Security, Infrastructure, etc. Separate Conference, Pubs, Outreach Etc. for Each Sys C May Want Variants by Region Special “Events”/Outreach by Regional Interests/Concerns E.g., “Security” is a National Concern and may want differences by region So “Transnational” Becomes Super Important Need Ways to Organize and Partner for Each
Products & Services Officers Where Can Sys C Get Leverage? Use Member Societies’ Structures & People AESS President Bob Rassa VP Publications VP Member Service VP Technical VP Conferences VP Ed & Training TreasurerSecretaryVP-Admin Global Market Officers Australia/NZ Bill Lyons Japan Tsuneo Takahashi India Ram Gopal Gupta China/Korea Shunjun Wu Asia + VP Chapters Europe + At Large Zafar Taqvi Russia/CIS Igor Immoverv UK/RI Hugh Griffiths W Europe Marina Ruggieri ELC Staff Officers Working Together: Ram w/Joel ELC = Executive Leadership Committee Shared Best Practices Example AESS Transnational Directors
Presidents’ Summit Outcome & Next Steps , 17; Louisville KY, USA Outcomes Engaged Dialog…many Ideas, Presidents Intrigued by Win/Win/Win Like Starting with a Joint SoS Conference Believe Sys C Needs to Focus on a Specific SoSs Need to Get their VPs Involved and Run thru all Boards Willing to Take Next Steps Next Steps Meet Again at June Board Series Develop Plan…esp Choose which SoS, When (2010) Delegate for Implementation Set up Monitoring/Implementation Structure
- “Systems of Global and National Significance” Implies Systems-of-Systems, Nations and Transnational Includes All System Aspects for Holistic Look “Living Systems” & HMI (Human-Machine Interface) Business, Economics, Politics, Marketing Industry, Academia, Government, Lay Public Management and Technical Bottom Line Performance Line RAA Systems Council Scope We are an OU of “Practice” As Modified from 1st Meeting, September 2005, Montreal
Vision Development Ideas Should Say What’s Different as a Result of Systems Council? Catalyst Coordinator Facilitate collaboration to build value for member societies Synergy Help IEEE societies extend their reach Integrate across technologies and borders Inter-disciplinarity Achieving the Gestalt Global significance High visibility Enhance global survival Benefit of humanity Harmonic coexistence Human-centered… Fosters…not just “archival” Lead… Extend IEEE societies reach to systems of global and national significance Improve the world’s major systems through engineering Need 3 visions (Lay public, IEEE, S/Cs) E.g., IEEE’s was “Enhance global prosperity.” Words =Action/Scope/Result
Implementation Plan Ideas Presidents/ELC (Executive Leadership Committee) Get IEEE S/C Presidents Commitments/Joint Actions Work External Societies Finances Get Financial Leverage Can All Sys C Travel be Paid be their Societies? Conferences Work with Presidents’ Summit Conclusions for 2010 Steer Vancouver 2009 in that Direction?
Implementation Plan Ideas (Continued) Publications/“Communications” Assess How Best to Communicate w/“Practitioners” Webcasts, Podcasts, DL/DT, Ready Notes for $$, 2nd Life, Facebook See Computer Society/Paul, Journal Articles did not get included, success stories, dialog forums, UTube, Tools for electronic lectures…separate from Expert Now, Conferences.
Implementation Plan Ideas (Continued) Member Services Increase Global Outreach Fast…Chapters + “Activities” Coordinate and Leverage New Chapters w/ M&GA (RAB) & S/Cs Fellows + DLs…get from S/Cs + give to them…see CS Chapter Activities Board. Consider podcast + telecon See Computer Society Offices: Operating Offices: WDC, CA, Japan, Service Centers: Beijing, Moscow Technical Co-sponsorship of existing conferences…esp R8-10 “Care Packages” Need Marketing Materials Chapter/Region-based, 1 for SoS domains, 1 for S/C, Lay public
Implementation Plan Ideas (Continued) Technical Activities…Standards Get DLs from Member Societies Start “Tasks” and “Events”…Globally Insert “SoS Tracks” into planned S/C Conferences…Control Sys Soc has set up $$ sharing for this. Look for opportunities outside IEEE…e.g., DoD Systems & Software Conf… IEEE CS got a track. IEEE Standards has been working with Eliot Sloan on Healthcare on Infomatics. Paul C will help role up to Sys C fo these standards. CS has also had a lot of interaction with US DoHS = Department of Honeland Security. Lots of partnering opportunities…”Harmonization” of standards and get people activie in S/Cs to get into this. Support Webcasts Podcasts…coordinate with Vin. AHS = American Helicopter Society…proposal for 2009 to have “Specialist Meetings” for Systsme s Engineering…see Theo. How to get Sys C presence? Tutorials? Invited Speakers. Coordinate Paul C & Theo.
Organizing for Strategic Implementation Systems C. ELC = Executive Leadership Committee President, President-elect, Past President, Treasurer Expanded “Secretary Role” (Includes Judy) Work Between Meetings on Action Items and Implementation Plan Systems C./Member Societies Need a New TBD Means…Report after June Board Series Transnational Develop a Means for Chapters to Communicate & “Self Actualize” Web and RAAs Each Officer Needs to Own their Part of Web
Personal Transition - Paul