Evaluation of public procurement Directives High Level Group of Independent Stakeholders on Administrative Burdens Thursday 14 July 2011
Total public expenditure Eurostat and Commission estimatesAs % EU GDP (2008)
Use of procedures Pwc, London Economics, Ecorys from OJEU data
SME access and success GHK
Cross border procurement Ramboll as % of total (above threshold) procurement
Cross border participation Ramboll How often did your company participate in public procurement tenders (domestically and abroad) in the last three years? 76,1 10, ,4 5,3 4,9 11,1 72, more than 20 times 10 to 20 5 to 10 1 to 5 Never % of respondents Participation abroad N=1011 Participation overall (domestically and abroad) N=1026
Reasons for not bidding cross border Ramboll
Total cost of procedures Average cost per procedure cost of average 5 – 6 bids contracting authority costs Total Costs 5.3 billion Less than 1.3% of total contract value
Average person days for procedure Pwc, London Economics, Ecorys from OJEU data
Person-days required Best performer Worst performer Difference Authorities Firm Authorities and winning firm combined PwC, London Economics, Ecorys
Savings Econometric model Save 1% on the final contract value if contract notice advertised further 3 % if open procedure or 1.1 % if restricted procedure Total per cent compared with the initial estimate. PwC, London Economics, Ecorys
Frequency of contract values PwC, London Economics, Ecorys
Evaluation: main findings Effectiveness Relevance Efficiency Consistency with other policies EU added value
Effectiveness Transparency Competition Savings Cross border Differences in implementation
Relevance Value for money CPBs and Frameworks Equal treatment Non discrimination
Efficiency Positive cost benefit analysis Compliance costs Difference across MS Unintended consequences
Consistency with other Policies Green public procurement Socially responsible Innovation Lack of monitoring Different requirements, standards, labels…
EU Added Value Single Market Coordination Still large differences in implementation
Evaluation: overall conclusion Savings outweigh costs Scope for improving balance of costs and benefits particularly for small contracts Potential for more cross border procurement