5 th World Water Forum Building the Programme for the Next Forum Partnership WWC-Turkey-International Stakeholder Kick-off Meeting Istanbul– March 19,


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Presentation transcript:

5 th World Water Forum Building the Programme for the Next Forum Partnership WWC-Turkey-International Stakeholder Kick-off Meeting Istanbul– March 19, 2007

1 st World Water Forum Perspectives, Vision and Challenges

2 nd World Water Forum 15,000 people involved in the Vision relqted discussion 5,700 participants 114 ministers and 130 countries represented at the Ministerial Conference 500 journalists 32,500 visitors

3 rd World Water Forum

4th World Water Forum

Constituencies Water Professionals Law and policy makers Public Opinion Leaders



5 th World Water Forum WWC-Turkey-Stakeholder Partnership Our Collective Task: Collective experience (WWF2- 4) Out of the BOX thinking – Next LEVEL Communications = KEY FOCUS: Thematic Region Political - Leadership

COMPONENT 1 WATER COMMUNITY- KNOWLEDGE A) Thematic Programme / Process B) Regional Programme / Process C) Emergence of Core Issues

COMPONENT 1 WATER COMMUNITY- KNOWLEDGE WWC & Turkey Priorities Priority One Priority Two. Program Framework Emerging Issues Issue One Issue Two. 30 topics => 5th World Water Forum – Thematic / Regional Programme A) & B) : Thematic and Regional Programme topics

COMPONENT 1 WATER COMMUNITY- KNOWLEDGE Topical Selection Process Goal: max. 30 topics = FOCUS Build On: –Program Framework –Council & Turkey Priorities –Emerging Issues Kick-off Process: –initial identification key topics and priorities – OPINION POLL Target and Outputs Topical set => frame the substantive discussion within the regional process Topical set: summarized and developed - synthesis process A) & B) : Thematic and Regional Programme

COMPONENT 1 WATER COMMUNITY- KNOWLEDGE A) & B) : Thematic and Regional Programme REGIONAL - Scope and Purpose Encourage regional participation Develop regional perspectives - thematic content Form and Output Each regional process and organizer takes a unique form (e.g. Asia vs. Africa). However… Outputs/processes => INPUT thematic program via the adopted policy program and topical program (both in terms of topics and processes) Outputs/processes => substantively contribute to the political program (both in terms of topics and processes)

COMPONENT 1 WATER COMMUNITY- KNOWLEDGE C) Emergence of Core Issues TOPIC SELECTION Maximum 3 topics (Camdessus/Gurija Type) Major NEW Water – Development Issues: –Internationally / globally critical –WWC/Forum can make a difference Kick-off discussion to inform => Opinion Poll –Final decision: WWC BOG and Turkish Partners DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Build on earlier technical input from WWC members, partners & others 2 -3 year process, both before and after 5th World Water Forum Multi-stakeholder dialogue – ISTANBUL ‘09 Integrally linked with political and regional processes NEWNEW

COMPONENT 2 POLITICAL LEVEL DECISION Outputs and Targets: Realistic policy recommendations Aimed at UN, G8, OECD, Bank policies Target Audience: World Leaders Ministers Legislators Local authorities

COMPONENT 3 MEDIA NETWORKS – KEY MESSAGES Scope and Purpose Essential - informal exchange process underlying the Forum “Marketplace” Form and Output Free Form -Intentionally Free Form - facilitation through design (e.g. clustering of exhibitors) NGO, regional and other key stakeholder participation is ensured Clear that overall design – INPUT NEEDED FORUM FAIR

COMPONENT 3 MEDIA NETWORKS – KEY MESSAGES Scope and Purpose Alternative form of participating - beyond program elements described above Kickoff => explore ideas and options Form and Output Two or more models are possible: –Similar to Kyoto “Virtual Forum” –Similar to Mexico “Alternative Forum” –Other Models for Inclusion Window to the World

COMPONENT 3 MEDIA NETWORKS – KEY MESSAGES Scope: connect wider world to the world water forum Issue Selection: blogs and vlogs, wiki, virtual panels, mobile phone adverts and input Process: internet and mobile phone users Timeline: August 2007 – August 2009 Forum Format: discussion panels, communities of practice Forum Outputs: websites and networks strengthened and connected to WWC and its members Forum Followup: WWC remains connected and providing access to communities of practice, intermediaries and end-users of water services Window to the World