Personal strategy for ATF2 beam operation in 2009 Toshiyuki OKUGI 2009 / 7 /22 ATF2 weekly meeting
1 st week (10/19 – 10/23 ) Fast Kicker test DR BPM test 2 nd week ( 10/26 – 10/30) Beam extraction with nominal extraction kicker Stripline BPM improvement upgrade of present BPM readout - put more ADC and the timing adjustment - calibration with high pass filter - take calibration data with and w/o kicker pulse test of the prototype of new readout electronics Cavity BPM improvement take stability data of calibration constants (calibrate some BPMs every day) Septum rotation check with beam Background test for IP-BSM detctor Establish the reference detector of IP-BSM background SuMoTuWeThFrSa Concentrate the hardware work in October
1 st week ( 11/09 – 11/13 ) Cavity BPM study C-band BPM - calibration - stabilize 1 week C-band BPM position readout S-band BPM calibration IP-BSM study vertical laser wire mode Optics study EXT dispersion and coupling correction make 1-2micron beam size at IP-BSM FONT Laser wire 2 nd week ( 11/16 – 11/20 ) Cavity BPM study continuous study of the C-band BPM calibration of S-band BPM IP-BSM study vertical laser wire mode interference mode test, if possible Optics study EXT dispersion and coupling correction establish 1-2micron beam size at IP-BSM optics diagnostics, if BPMs are ready FONT Laser wire 0 th week ( 11/02 – 11/06 ) Shielding of Septum Area Realignment of Final doublet to Dump SuMoTuWeThFrSa Beam tuning will be started from November
SuMoTuWeThFrSa Cavity BPM study establish of C-band & S-band BPM IP-BSM study observation of the interference pattern and beam size evaluation by interferometer mode beam size measurement for sub-micron beam Optics study establish the high beta optics tuning make sub-micron beam size at IP-BSM background test for various beta* optics FONT Laser wire Target is the measurement of the sub-micron beam size
After the 2009 operation Decision of the beam optics for 2010 operation. Improvement of the IP-BSM DAQ to be used for beam operation Installation of the multi-OTR chambers. Installation of the new readout for all of the stripline BPMs, if necessary. Target by the end of 2010 spring run Beam size measurement of < 100nm beam