1 Nichi Vendola President of the Region Puglia CoR - Political Coordinator EU2020 Monitoring Platform
2 1. Water dimensions 2. Water management 3. New Common Agricultural Policy and Water-saving 4. Water Efficiency: Less is More! 5. Water shortages, Desertification and Migration processes 6. Direct involvement of the Covenant of Mayors The role of Regional and Local authorities in promoting sustainable water management Adopted on 30/06/2011 CoR Plenary
3 Commitment at European and Local level President of the Region Puglia since 2005 Political Coordinator of the EU2020 Strategy Monitoring Platform since 2010 – Responsible for Sustainable Growth ARLEM Rapporteur on The relationship between desertification and climate change in the Mediterranean A Green Growth Trajectory for Puglia Renewable Energy: first producer in Italy! (13% solar energy; 27% wind power; % 25% biomass)
4 Water Dimensions Water is a universal, inalienable human right that is a natural, logical extension of the right to life (UN Resolution of 28 July 2010) Water has an eco-ethical dimension and every moral community has an intrinsic right to have their water needs met
5 Water Management Scarcity issues and desertification processes must be tackled with appropriate demand management and clear water pricing policies Criteria for water allocation Progressive pricing and over-user pays principle
6 New Common Agricultural Policy and Water-saving Water management procedures and irrigation practices that are in harmony with the Regions water availability Encouraging Water-saving in agriculture and encouraging the cultivation of crops with high water efficiency (best crop per drop)
7 Water efficiency : Less is more! Facilitate the use of non-conventional water resources by promoting a culture of reuse and recycling Limit thermal pollution of water and reduce as far as possible the use of water as coolant in the industrial and energy plants
8 Water shortages, Desertification and Migration processes Climate change will alter and shape water availability in Europes regions and probably will increase migrations in the outermost regions Local and regional authorities are best placed to mitigate the causes of water shortages and desertification The challenges of the desertification must be addressed by combining top-down solutions with bottom-up solutions, with the full involvement of the local communities and on the basis of the principle of solidarity between River Basins
9 Direct involvement of the Covenant of Mayors Fund local programmes to fight Climate Changes Specific verifiable water targets for 2020: 20% increase in water-saving in all sectors of use; a 20% increase in the number of water courses being re-naturalised; a 20% increase in the volume of water re-used and/or recycled in farming and industry
10 Thank you for your attention!