ACE Marketing Research AAA Member Poll 2011 Spring Break Travel and Entertainment AAA Missouri March 2011
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 2 Methodology An online survey was sent to AAA Missouri members who participate in our online research panel “AAA Insiders” The survey was conducted from February 14-22, AAA Missouri members completed the survey Responses are weighted to represent the ages of members Differences between 2011 and 2010 results were tested for statistical significance at a 95% confidence level
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 3 “In which entertainment categories do you plan to spend money during the 2011 spring season?” Base: 2011 ACMO members n= ACMO members n=425 Q: “In which of the entertainment categories below do you plan to spend money during the 2011 spring season?” Multiple responses allowed. For the majority of AAA Missouri members, dining out and nightlife will be the entertainment they are most likely to spend on, followed by movies Compared to the spring season of 2010, more members will pursue hobbies or sports this spring Uppercase letters indicate statistically significant difference from other lettered category * Not asked in 2010
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 4 “How are you planning to change your entertainment activities during the 2011 spring season compared to last year?” Q: “How are you planning to change your entertainment activities during the 2011 spring season compared to last year?” Multiple responses allowed. Significantly fewer ACMO members plan to take any steps to spend less 42% state they won’t make any changes to their spring season entertainment activities and 9% state they plan to spend more compared to last year Uppercase letters indicate statistically significant difference from other lettered category * Not asked in 2010 Base: 2011 ACMO members n= ACMO members n=425
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 5 Gas Prices Affect Budgets of ACMO Members Base: ACMO members n=348 Not asked in 2010 Yes No AAA Missouri “Have the recent high gasoline prices affected your budget?” “At approximately what price per gallon of gas do you think you will start making major changes in how much you drive or how much gasoline you use?” More than two-thirds (68%) of ACMO members will start to make major changes to conserve gas when the price reaches $3-$4 per gallon = 68%
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 6 “How have the higher gas prices affected your budget?” Not asked in 2010 Q: “How have the higher gas prices affected how you budget your money?” Multiple responses allowed. The majority (78%) of ACMO members affected by the higher gas prices will cut back on unnecessary driving Half will cut back on dining at restaurants Base: ACMO members who said high gas prices have affected their budget n=199
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 7 “During the 2011 spring season, do you plan to take at least one leisure trip?” Q: “During the 2011 spring season, do you plan to take at least one leisure trip?” “Leisure trip” for this survey is defined as “a non-business trip of more than 50 miles one way from home and requiring at least one overnight stay.” % % % Significantly fewer ACMO members plan to take a leisure trip this spring (57%) compared to last year (66%) ▼ ▼ indicates significant difference from previous year Base: 2011 ACMO members n= ACMO members n=425
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 8 “How many leisure trips are you likely to take in March and April?” Base: ACMO members who are planning to travel during spring season 2011 n=209 Not asked in 2010 Q: “How many leisure trips are you likely to take in March and April?” Almost two-thirds (64%) of ACMO members traveling this spring will take just one trip
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 9 “About how much do you expect to spend on all your leisure travel during the 2011 spring season?” Base: 2011 ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n= ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n=294 Q: “About how much do you expect to spend on all your leisure travel during the 2011 spring season, including lodging, transportation, meals and entertainment?” For their leisure travel in this year’s spring season, more ACMO members plan to spend in the lower ranges (below $2,000) compared to their plans in 2010
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 10 “What do you plan on doing while traveling during the 2011 spring season?” Q: “What do you plan on doing while traveling during the 2011 spring season?” Multiple responses allowed. Uppercase letters indicate statistically significant difference from other lettered category Base: 2011 ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n= ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n=294 More ACMO members plan to visit family and friends during spring season this year compared to last year, and fewer will be sightseeing or shopping
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 11 “What travel destinations do you plan on for the 2011 spring season?” Q: “What travel destinations do you plan on for the 2011 spring season?” Multiple responses allowed. About 7 in 10 ACMO members who are taking a leisure trip this spring season will travel to another state, and about 3 in 10 will travel in their own state Note: Specific destinations outside the U.S. were not included in the 2010 poll 8% planned “international” travel in 2010 Base: 2011 ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n= ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n=294
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 12 “How are you planning to save money on your 2011 spring travel?” Q: “How are you planning to save money on your 2011 spring travel, if at all?” Multiple responses allowed. ACMO members this year confirm their use of affinity discount programs such as AAA to save money while traveling Significantly fewer ACMO members will reduce their budgets for shopping or entertainment while traveling on spring break this year compared to last year Uppercase letters indicate statistically significant difference from other lettered category Base: 2011 ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n= ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n=294
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 13 “Do you think that you will take more, fewer, or about the same number of leisure trips in 2011 compared to 2010?” Not asked in 2010 Spring Break Poll Q: “Do you think that you will take more, fewer, or about the same number of leisure trips in 2011 compared to 2010?” October 2010 Holiday Poll 62% 23% 15% More ACMO members now think they’ll take fewer trips in 2011, compared to how they responded to the same question in October of 2010 Base: ACMO members n=348
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 14 “What will be your primary type of transportation to reach your destination?” Not asked in 2010 Spring Break Poll Q: “For [your longest trip], what will be the primary type of transportation to reach your destination?” Base: 2011 ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n=209 October 2010 Holiday Poll 61% 28% 5% 3% 1% 0% 1%
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 15 “What type of ground transportation are you likely to use to or from the airport?” Base: ACMO members who are traveling by plane during spring season n=51 Not asked in 2010 Q: “What type of ground transportation are you likely to use to or from the airport?” Multiple responses allowed. Caution: Small base size
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 16 “How many days will your trip last?” Not asked in 2010 Spring Break Poll Q: “How many days will your [longest] trip last?” Base: 2011 ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n=209 October 2010 Holiday Poll 3 days or less22% 4-7 days55% 8-14 days19% More than 14 days 4%
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 17 “What will your primary accommodations be while on this trip?” Not asked in 2010 Spring Break Poll Q: “What will be your primary accommodations while on this [longest] trip?” Base: 2011 ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n=209 October 2010 Holiday Poll 37% 42% 3% 7% 5% 1% 4%
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 18 “How many people will be traveling with you?” Q: “How many people will be traveling with you?” October 2010 Holiday Poll None17% One50% Two13% Three10% Four or more 9% Base: 2011 ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n=209
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 19 “With whom will you be traveling?” Q: “With whom will you be traveling?” Multiple responses allowed. Base: 2011 ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season and are traveling with someone n= ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season and are traveling with someone n=256
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 20 “How long ago did you plan this trip?” Not asked in 2010 Spring Break Poll Q: “How long ago did you plan this [longest] trip?” Base: 2011 ACMO members who plan to take a leisure trip during spring season n=209 October 2010 Holiday Poll 37% 13% 22% 15%
AAA Member Poll – Spring Break Page 21 Demographics AAA Missouri Base348 Gender Male60% Female40% Age % % % 65+33% Income <$50,00015% $50,000-$74,99921% $75,000-$99,99913% $100,000-$149,99916% $150,000 or more 7% Prefer not to answer28%