Quick start in SEAMCAT European Communications Office Jean-Philippe Kermoal (ECO) December 2009 EUROPEAN COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Nansensgade 19 DK-1366 Copenhagen Denmark Telephone: Telefax: Web Site:
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 202 December 2009 Creating - Opening - Saving a workspace (.sws) Select the.sws file versionDate of release new open save
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 302 December 2009 Defining sharing study scenario Wanted Transmitter (Wt) Victim Receiver (Vr) Wanted Receiver (Wr) Interfering Transmitter (It) dRSS iRSS Victim link Interfering link
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 402 December 2009 Victim Link Parameters General information on the link Victim receiver characteristics (non-CDMA systems) (sensitivity, BW, antenna, blocking response, interference criteria, etc...) Wanted transmitter characteristics (non-CDMA systems) (power, antenna) Position and propagation model information between the Wt and the Vr Choice from a library Distribution of the dRSS Distribution of the center frequency
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 502 December 2009 Victim Link Parameters - CDMA system CDMA module Distribution of the center frequency Selection of the CDMA module Definition of the CDMA victim receiver blocking response
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 602 December 2009 Interfering Link Parameters General information on the link Interfering transmitter characteristics Wanted receiver characteristics Position and propagation model information of the interfering link Choose from a library Distribution of the center frequency Add/edit/ duplicate as many interferer as necessary Position and propagation model information between victim and interferer
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 702 December 2009 Interfering Link Parameters CDMA system CDMA module Distribution of the center frequency Selection of the CDMA module Definition of the CDMA unwanted emission mask
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 802 December 2009 Start a simulation A. Check consistency B. Select the number of snapshots C. Launch a simulation
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 902 December 2009 Results: Simulation status interface Provides basic information on the simulation status Display the victim and interfering link element for each snapshot Progress bar to track the current task status and the system memory Mean and std value of dRSS and IRSS (unw and block) Interfering link Interfering transmitter (It) Wanted receiver (Wr) Wanted transmitter (Wt) Victim receiver (Vr) Victim link
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 1002 December 2009 Results: dRSS and iRSS vectors
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 1102 December 2009 Results: Interference calculation Compatibility: Probability of interference Translation: Probability of interference as a function of parameters 17.5 % of probability of interference
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 1202 December 2009 CDMA interface Provides general information on the CDMA system System characteristic for Uplink or Downlink ) Position of the elements (i.e. antenna, Cell radius, mobility) Setting up of the number of CDMA users in the network (i.e. capacity) Position of the reference cell to the network Setting up of the propagation model
SEAMCAT workshop Jean-Philippe Kermoal / ECO Page 1302 December 2009 Thank you - Any Questions?