Registered provider Set up in 2002 by eight Walsall TMO’S Transferred 1828 homes from Walsall council 2003.
WATMOS has a fundamental commitment to Tenant Management. We are committed to empowering Tenants and Residents to enable meaningful community control over services and estate regeneration.
Delegated responsibility manage and maintain their individual estates via a management agreement Responsible for employing their own staff Responsible for managing budgets any surplus retained by the TMO.
Eight TMO representatives Four independents Overall group control rests with TMO’s. Supportive partnership
Executive Human resources Information Technology Finance Asset management Housing- quality assurance, performance management, tenant scrutiny Administration
Marketing and communication Learning and development
Executive overall strategic direction regulatory legal
Asset management planned maintenance void inspections post and pre inspection surveying services
Human Resources polices and procedures advice and guidance Information Technology systems maintenance
Finance overall group external audits polices and procedures
Housing legal polices/procedures changes in legislation monitoring and assistance co-ordination group managers meetings
quality assurance, performance management tenant scrutiny group tenant involvement
Marketing and communication overall group strategy assistance guidance Learning and development joint funding post governance succession
Chairs group TMO consultative committee Mentoring Sharing good practice Partnership working- strategic objections