Role of Local Safeguarding Children Boards. DCSF Review of progress Issues Not all LSCBs taking a more pro-active, preventive role Most chaired by DCS.


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Presentation transcript:

Role of Local Safeguarding Children Boards

DCSF Review of progress Issues Not all LSCBs taking a more pro-active, preventive role Most chaired by DCS Accountability/scrutiny Some LSCBs too operational No evidence of performance management Variations in funding

Dilemmas - accountability Chair – seniority/knowledge/independence/ leadership Scrutiny of the work of the LSCB – elected members/CYPP How does the LSCB scrutinise the work of member agencies? Are LSCBs dominated by local authorities? Can other agencies challenge the LA?

Dilemmas - effectiveness Breadth of membership v effectiveness of the group LSCBs too dominated by the social care agenda? How to keep child protection in focus as well as taking on the wider safeguarding function? Does the sub-group structure work? Performance management – how do we know if the LSCB is being effective?

DCSF response – next steps No need for change to statutory guidance or legislation Non-statutory guidance to be issued covering the key issues Performance management to be clarified through the new PSA agreements and a bench-marking toolkit