Environmental Performance Verification General Principles, Definitions and main Actors Luis Delgado Sancho Spyridon Merkourakis http://www.jrc.es/ Luis Delgado Sancho | Environment Coordinator, DG JRC/IPTS, Spain
Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation EPV: Objective Accelerate diffusion –market acceptance – of innovative technologies by: Objectively validating their performance Increasing purchasers’ confidence in new technologies
Verification: definition Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 3 Verification: definition To establish or prove the truth of the performance of a technology under specific, predetermined criteria or protocols and adequate data quality assurance procedures (from US ETV glossary) Build confidence to buyers Independent 3rd party verification Protocols/test plans designed to suit specific technologies Stakeholder input No single definition of verification
Verification: disambiguation Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 4 Verification: disambiguation What EPV is not? EPV is NOT certification (ISO, CEN, National systems…): EPV does not verify against a standard (or minimum performance requirements), but can use standards and modify them EPV does not necessarily use laboratories/personnel that are certified for specific tests/tasks EPV does not supervise sound manufacturing
The “positioning” of EPV Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 5 The “positioning” of EPV Available in the Market Certification Self Declarations EPV R&D No need for certification, but need for credible performance data Compliance to standards No standards exist Early research Prototypes, Demonstration
The main actors EPV managing organisation Contact Points Vendor Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 6 The main actors EPV managing organisation Contact Points Vendor Thematic VO Stakeholders Verification Centre Testing Laboratory
EPV managing organisation Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 7 EPV managing organisation lays the foundations of the verification program Defines the scope, objectives, strategies and administrative protocols Coordinates and supervises the verification process Is responsible for the compliance with the objectives and quality management procedures Designates the thematic VOs Awards certificates and logos to successful vendors
implements the verification process Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 8 The Thematic VO implements the verification process Processes the vendor applications Appoints test laboratories to perform the tests or verification centres to verify the vendor’s claims, verifying their accreditation Collaborates with the stakeholder groups Reviews and approves the verifications reports and disseminates the results of the program
The testing laboratory Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 9 The testing laboratory Collaborates in the development of protocols Develops the test plans Executes the tests Respects protocols and quality management procedures Writes the test report
The verification centre Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 10 The verification centre used when the system performs claim verification Examines the vendor data and verifies if they support the accompanying claims Proposes the repetition of tests, if the data quality is not adequate Respects the quality management procedures of the system Writes the verification report
The stakeholder groups Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 11 The stakeholder groups assure the credibility of the system Involved in the development and review of the system’s “verification tools”: test protocols, test plans, quality management plans Involved in technology prioritization Involved in the selection of testing laboratories and verification centres
Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 12 The vendor Provides a claim accompanied by supporting data OR the technology to be verified and advice/training on how to perform the tests Actively collaborates with the other EPV actors, depending on the specific design of the system
The network of contact points Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 13 The network of contact points Establish a relation of proximity between EPV and the vendors, diminishing any geographical distance, language or administrative barriers Active in communicating on EPV, explaining the EPV concept and the advantages that it can bring to its end users Their hosting establishment is variable: testing laboratories, certification organisations, innovation relay centres, Euro Info Centres, national ministries of the environment etc.
EPV system: different possibilities Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 14
Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 15 Open questions Is EPV an efficient tool to diffuse innovative technologies? Verification or certification? Prototypes or ready to market technologies? Verification: claim verification? full testing? combination? Centralised EU system? Are there all the actors necessary for all EPV systems? Are there any crucial actors missing? Thematic organisation: Sectoral? Multisectoral? One for the whole EU for each technology?
Open questions Testing labs: certified? Which type of certification? Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 16 Open questions Testing labs: certified? Which type of certification? Stakeholders: Independent experts? Nominated by associations? Efficient composition and size? Role of contact points? National? Should verification and testing always belong to separate organisations? Are there any possible conflicts when a system performs both claim verification and tests? Vendors: how to encourage participation in the system?
Contact details European Commission Joint Research Centre Paris 26 November 2007 – European Forum on Eco-Innovation 17 Contact details European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Competitiveness and Sustainability Unit Edificio Expo – c/Inca Garcilaso, s/n – E41092 Seville Email: luis.delgado@ec.europa.eu – spyridon.merkourakis@ec.europa.eu http://www.jrc.es/