Washington Update Paul Feenstra ITS America / Keystone Public Affairs
Where Are We Today? Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century Act (MAP-21) Passed Congress June 29, signed into law July 6, 2012 Policy took effect October 1 Expires September 30, 2014 Presidential, Congressional elections will shape future policy Republicans will almost certainly retain House majority Democrats likely to retain small Senate majority Presidential race too close to call Must deal with Highway Trust Fund, financing alternatives Sequestration – minimal impact on ITS, highway programs
MAP-21: Top-Line Summary Funding: $118 billion total ($105 billion for FY13 and FY14) Current funding levels plus inflation, no earmarks Consolidates or eliminates 60 federal programs, more state flexibility Transitions to a more performance-based system National performance goals and measures, state and metropolitan targets Expedites project delivery Streamlines environmental review process, expands categorical exclusions Expands Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) funding, more tolling authority, removes anti-PPP provisions Establishes National Freight Policy and National Freight Network Continues highways/transit funding ratio at 80/20 Relies on General Fund transfers as pay-fors, no Highway Trust Fund fix
Performance Management: ITS needed to both measure and improve safety, traffic congestion, freight movement, system reliability Planning: States and metro areas must promote efficient system management and operations Core Highway Programs: ITS eligible in all core formula programs Transit: ITS eligibility expansion for Capital Projects, Bus Rapid Transit Freight: Increased federal share for ITS to improve efficiency and safety Tolling: Expansion of electronic toll collection, HOT lanes ITS Research: Restored to $100M per year Highway Research program focused on reducing congestion, improving operations and enhancing freight productivity Technology & Innovation Deployment program established $62.5 million per year administered by Federal Highway Administration MAP-21: ITS Highlights
ITS in Core Formula Programs National Highway Performance Program - $21+ billion per year –“Capital and operating costs for traffic management and traveler information monitoring, management, and control facilities and programs” –“Development and implementation of a State asset management plan…” –“Infrastructure-based intelligent transportation systems capital improvements” Surface Transportation Program - $10.5 billion per year –“Projects and strategies designed to support congestion pricing, including electronic toll collection and travel demand management strategies…” Highway Safety Improvement Program - $2.4 billion per year –Funding doubled, eligibility expanded to include “...priority control system for emergency vehicles at signalized intersections… traffic control or other warning device at a location with high crash potential” Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) - $2.2 billion per year –“… projects to improve mobility, such as through real-time traffic, transit and multimodal traveler information… or otherwise reduces demand for roads through such means as telecommuting, ridesharing, carsharing, …and pricing”
Looking Ahead Campaign for Intelligent Transportation Solutions Successfully influenced MAP-21 to encourage ITS solutions Created new opportunities: Congressional champions, Smart Solution Spotlight awards, increased news coverage and social media outreach Further advocacy needed for ongoing legislation and funding decisions Educating/influencing U.S. DOT on MAP-21 implementation, rulemakings MAP-21 expires in two years – Congress will start work again in January! New Regional Meetings Three to four a year Topical one-stop shop for the public sector Smart Parking Symposium December 10 in Jersey City $25 for public sector attendees ITS America Webinar Series
2013 Annual Meeting – Location & Key Dates Nashville, Tennessee Gaylord Opryland Convention Center April , 2013 Registration: January 2013 Preliminary Program: February 2013
2013 Annual Meeting – Attendee Value See the latest technologies and innovations in transportation Get training that will help with your next ITS project Network and learn from other transportation professionals Showcase ITS deployments at your agency and gain recognition Hear about the latest ITS research and lessons learned
2013 Annual Meeting – Exhibitor and Sponsor Opportunities Great venue with excellent regional support Sponsor and Exhibitor Prospectus now available Designed to fit all budget ranges and goals Over 100 exhibitors across entire ITS spectrum Longer dedicated Expo hours Focused on theme
See You in Nashville! Co-Sponsored by: See you there! April 22 – 24, 2013