WORKS M. Ramioul Work, Organisation and Restructuring in a Knowledge-based Society - WORKS Monique Ramioul, HIVA-KUL.


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Presentation transcript:

WORKS M. Ramioul Work, Organisation and Restructuring in a Knowledge-based Society - WORKS Monique Ramioul, HIVA-KUL

WORKS M. Ramioul FP6-Citizens Changes of work in the KBS WORKS # A 4 year Integrated Project # With 19 partners # From 14 countries # Lead: HIVA-KUL (B) Work and Organisation Restructuring in the KBS

WORKS M. Ramioul 1.Changes in work and NFWO from the perspective of global restructuring of value chains 2.Changes in use of knowledge and skills 3.Different ways of achieving flexibility 4.Use of time 5.Occupational identities 6.Impact on Quality of Life 7.Social dialogue and the regional institutional context WORKS: Key issues

WORKS M. Ramioul WORKS: Integrating Knowledge 1. Theories and concepts: State of the arts in European regions 2. Quantitative analysis: Feasability assessment - construction of indicator-sets Roadmap for more European convergence 3. Qualitative analysis Development of comparative methodologies + training 4. Policy, social dialogue and institutions Mapping of regional dynamics 5.Going global: Global peer review and dissemination conferences

WORKS M. Ramioul 1. Quantitative analysis: Secondary analyses on datasets of organisation and individual survey databases 2. Qualitative analysis in a longitudinal perspective Organisational case studies with windows on value chains, focusing on business functions of different production processes In a regional comparative perspective including next individuals and their households Including the role of regional policy and social dialogue 3.Theories and concepts: Horizontal thematical analysis/papers on core issues, cross- cutting regions and business functions Integration of qualitative and quantitative outcome 4.Policy papers 5.Going global: global dissemination conference WORKS: Innovating Knowledge

WORKS M. Ramioul