Treatment Demand Data: a breakdown by gender in some EU countries Linda Montanari, Colin Taylor, Lisbon, September 2004 Annual Expert Meeting on Treatment Demand Indicator
Basic analysis on gender using TDI data Sources: ST 4 and TDI Outpatient treatment centres 2002 data and trends up to 2000 Baseline of countries, but not all data available Focus on: Males/Females ratio Trends in males/females distribution Primary Drug Socio-demographic information Injection
Males/Females ratio among new clients in outpatient treatment centres Source: TDI data –Outpatient Treatment Centers Year: 2002 Countries included: CZ, DK, FIN, GE, GR, LUX, NL, SP, SL, SW New clients: ; Clients previsouly treated: n ; All clients: n
Males/Females ratio among new clients by country (2002) Source: TDI data – Outpatient Treatment Centres; Year: 2002 N. of all clients reported for each country New clients: n
Males/Females ratio among: all clients (2002) / drug related deaths ( ) Source: TDI data - ST. 3; Year: 2002 Acute DRD – ST 6; Years: Countries included: CZ, DK, FIN, GE, GR, LUX, NL, SP, SL, SW
Males/Females ratio among: all clients (2002) and drug related deaths ( ) Source: ST. 3; Year: 2002; All clients: n Acute DRD – ST 6; Years : ; N. DRD: n
Males/Females ratio by year among new clients in outpatient centres over three years Source: TDI data – Outpatient Treatment Centres; Year: 2000, 2001, 2002 New clients; 2000: n ; 2001: n ; 2002: n Some countries were not included since data were not available
New clients in treatment in some EU countries (index on 2000 data) Source: TDI data – ST 3; Year: 2000; 2001, 2002 New clients
Males/Females ratio by primary drug among new clients in 2002 Source: TDI data – Outpatient Treatment Centres; Year: 2002 New clients by primary drug: n Countries included: Cz, Dk, Ge, Gr, Sp, Nl, Sl, Fi, Sw
Males/Females ratio by country for opiates, stimulants, hypnotics/sedatives Source: TDI data – Outpatient Treatment Centres; Year: 2002 New clients by primary drug opiates, stimulants, hypnotics, sedatives: n
Proportion of women in treatment by sources of referral in some EU countries (% by source + males/females ratio()) Source: TDI data – Outpatient Treatment Centres; Year: 2002 New clients by source of referrals: n Countries included: Cz, Ge, Fi, Gr, Nl, Sl (1.0) (8.9) (2.2) (2.1) (1.9) (1.6)
Age distribution among new clients in 2002 Source: TDI data – Outpatient Treatment Centres; Year: 2002 New clients: n Countries included: Cz, Dk, Ge, Gr, Sp, Hu, Nl, Sl, Fin, Sw Age GroupsMales/females ratio < >393.0
Age distribution among men and women (ratio) new clients in 2002: breakdown by country Source: TDI data – Outpatient Treatment Centres; Year: 2002 New clients: n
Socio-demographic characteristics: % of men and women by level of education Source: TDI data – Outpatient Treatment Centres; Year: 2002 New clients by educational level: n Countries included: Cz, Dk, Ge, Gr, Sp, Nl, Sl, Fin, Sw
Socio-demographic characteristics: % of men and women by labour status Source: TDI data – Outpatient Treatment Centres; Year: 2002 New clients by educational level: n Countries included: Dk, Ge, Gr, Sp, Sl, Fin, Sw
Socio-demographic characteristics: Males/females ratio for living status Source: TDI data – Outpatient Treatment Centres; Year: 2002 – All clients by living status: n Countries included: Cz, Dk, Ge, Gr, Lu, Sl, Fin, Sw
Ever injected any drug: males/females ratio among new clients Source: TDI data – Outpatient Treatment Centres; Year: 2002 New clients: n Countries included: Dk, Ge, Gr, Sp, Sl, Fi, Sl, Sw
Issues…. Prevalence data? Treatment organisation? Different accessibility to treatment? Cultural and social background? What else…..