Status of progress of TDI indicator Notrbert Frost, Linda Montanari, EMCDDA, September 2004 Annual Expert Meeting on Treatment Demand Indicator
N. of countries sumbitting TDI tables on 2002 data Source: EISDD Up-date: 16/09/2004 TablesN. countries Standard Table 321 Standard Table 421 TDI- Outpatient TC13 TDI- Inpatient TC7 TDI- Low threshold S1 TDI – Units in prison3 TDI – GPs0 TDI - Others4 TDI – Volunteer table on cannabis2
Deadlines observance (15 September 2003) N. Standard Tables TDI = 86 Link date in the EISDD September29 (33,7 %) October17 (19,8 %) November17 (19,8 %) After november23 (26,7 %)
Data submissions in 2004 Until yesterday evening, already 62 TDI related tables have arrived already!
Coverage on 29 countries N. Units covered:2259 N. units present in the coutnries:3278 % of coverage on known n. units:52% Countries who have not provided any table8 Countries who have not provided TDI specific 2002 data:13
Some problems…. Little coverage Missing information (e.g. new clients, source of referral, labour status, injection, etc.) Different defintions/lack of harmonisation with TDI Protocol Lack of internal consistency Specific national problems (e.g. different period of data reporting, alcohol and drugs togehter, all treatment centres together, etc.)
Quality criteria defined in the EISDD Empty table - provided Invalid (e.g. invalid sample, wrong definitions, etc.) Good Stadard Use in AR – data used for the Annual Report Complete To enter Data entered Comments
Thanks for your attention!