Annual Expert Meeting on TDI, 25 September 2006 State of Progress of TDI 2004, 2005, 2006 in 28 countries
Organisation/Activities Experts based in the NFPs 18 in the NFP 10 outside the NFP Validation studies: 4 countries are currently (or planning) conducting validation studies using different methodologies/contents (EUROPASI, cannabis, etc.) National working group in place: 2004, 5 countries did not have NWGs, 2005 and 2006, 2 did not have a NWGs
Staff working on TDI (including part-time) Staff numberN. countries in 2004 N. countries in 2005 N. countries in or less > Total28
Data coverage by type of treatment centre: n. countries collecting data with TDI in 2004, 2005 and 2006
Data coverage in 2006 by treatment centre
Data coverage in outpatient treatment centres in 2004, 2005 and 2006
Compatibility with TDI N. Countries NO % % %161518
Other relevant issues 6 countries are in a revision phase in order to meet the European TDI standards Process of data quality control established in several countries Legislation in some countries as instrument to increase the compliance to standards Networking with the professionals of the field Training used also as a motivation tool Dissemination of results through reports and statistical bulletin
Problems… Variable coverage in some countries Limited coverage especially when the system in based on voluntary participation Lack of financial funds Double counting not controlled in several countries Lack of staff Motivation of professionals in collecting data Resistance to adapt specific registers to national and European standards