Experiences of Energy Management in Emilia-Romagna Morena Diazzi Emilia-Romagna Regional Government General Director for Industry, Trade and Tourism Regions for economic change Fostering competitiveness through innovative technologies, products and healthy communities Bruxelles, 7 March 2007
Socio-economic data 4,1 million inhabitants GDP per capita companies out of which 97% with < 20 employees Highly specialized productive chains (food, textile, building, health, mechanics, services) Strong manufacturing sector companies - export 37 billion (12,6% of the national export )
Regional energy budget Gross internal consumption Agriculture (3%) Industry (33%) Trasnports (29%) Residential (22%) Third sector (13%) FINAL ENERGETIC CONSUMPTION - CONSUMPTION AND LOSSES FOR PRODUCTION, PROCESSING AND TRASNPORTS OF ENERGY - NON ENERGETIC USES Value in OET - (OET: oil equivalent tons) (30%) (70%) Internal productionNet import Energy supply Energy demand
A new strategy of regional energy policy in Emilia-Romagna The Regional Government strongly committed itself with the objective of reduction of greenhouse gas set by the National Government as a concurrence of Italy to Kyoto Protocol. ( Regional target: Reduction by 2010 of 6,5% of climate alterative emissions registered in 1990 ) Regional Law n. 26/2004 laid the ground for a new strategy of regional energy policy aimed at sustainable development, indicating principles and objectives and introducing a Regional Energy Plan defining: a scenario of regional energy system (supply and consumption of energy) till 2015; the objectives of sustainable development of regional energy system; the strategies and priority actions of Regional Government and local authorities
Development of new companies, technologies and services SAFER MORE EFFICIENT CLEANER Development of Research Innovation Training Development of a culture for the efficient use of energy SUSTAINABLE ENERGY Main objectives of REP
Promotion of energy savings and efficient use of energy in public sector and urban systems Development of renewable sources Energy savings and qualification of energy systems in companies and in productive areas Energy efficiency of local trasnports Support to agricultural and forestry companies Research and technology transfer Information, awareness raising, dissemination activities Areas of intervention of REP
Implementation of REP Regional resources National and EU resources Fund for the implementation of REP Three-yearly plans Annual programmes Implementation of programmes and projects of direct initiative of the Region regarding : research, innovation, service qualification system, accrediting operators, energy savings in the productive system Support to programme-plan drafted and implemented by the Provinces (as for the development of renewable sources) and Municipalities (as for energy savings) also referred to operations of other public and private actors
to support Emilia-Romagna companies to improve their environmental performances through high quality common infrastructures and services; to allow-according to the principles of caution and prevention- control and reduction of polluting emissions coming from production activities; to allow competent authorities an easier and more effective control of polluting impacts of productions; to facilitate, from a technical and economic point of view, environmental quality certificates of companies through a quality management of the productive area; to stimulate the involvement of companies located in the area in the continuous process of improvement of environmental and energy performances of productive activities The approach of Emilia-Romagna Region to the eco-industrial parks is addressed: The Eco-industrial parks: an example of energy management
A participatory process Regional GovernmentProvinces/MunicipalitiesManaging body Coordination, funding and monitoring Drafting the strategy and common orientation for local authorities Signing cooperation agreements with local authorities Funding studies and analysis to identify the areas Cofinancing the areas Support companies with parallel policies Orientation and controlManagement Drafting the Environmental Plan Managing infrastructures and services Facilitating authorizations and certifications for companies and for the area Monitoring the progressive improvement of environmental criteria Identification of the areas (according to urbanistic plans) Orientation in drafting the Environmental Programme Control on the regular implementation of the activities and on improvements reached meuro allocated from regional budget
Conclusions Success factors Active involvement of local authorities in programming and implementing the Programme Implementation through pilot projects Integration of regional, national and EU funds Committment of the Regional Government to the environmental issues Critical issues Fragmentation of existing regulations Difficulty to cover the whole productive system of the region Implementation still to be tested