EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES l Understand the following about Treasury interpretations: The different types Their level of authority How they are accessed How to determine their validity How they are cited
TYPES OF TREASURY INTERPRETATIONS l Regulations l Revenue Rulings l Revenue Procedures l Letter Rulings l Other
Treasury Regulations and Their Authority l Final l Proposed l Temporary
How to Access Regulations l Treasury Decisions (Federal Register) l Internal Revenue Bulletin l Cumulative Bulletin
Organization and Citation of Regulations l Organization by Code Section l Citation Treas. Regs xxxxx
Formats Available l Print/Paper l CD-ROM l Modem l Web
Confirming the Reliability of a Regulation l Danger of being obsolete l Check for cautions
Revenue Rulings l Code’s application to specific set of facts l Authority limited by its facts
Discovering Relevant Revenue Rulings l Through reference service l IRS Bulletin Index-Digest System
Accessing Revenue Rulings l Internal Revenue Bulletin l Cumulative Bulletin l Print or electronic
Discovering Relevant Revenue Rulings l Through reference service l IRS Bulletin Index-Digest System
Citing a Revenue Ruling l Rev. Rul , CB 200 l Rev. Rul , IRB , 30 l Rev. Rul , CB 30
Ensuring the Reliability of a Revenue Ruling l Citating
Revenue Procedures l Procedural guidelines l Authoritative if current
Discovering Relevant Revenue Procedures l Through reference service l IRS Bulletin Index-Digest System
Accessing Revenue Procedures l Internal Revenue Bulletin l Cumulative Bulletin l Print or electronic
Citing a Revenue Procedure l Rev. Proc , CB 200 l Rev. Proc , IRB , 30 l Rev. Proc , CB 30
Ensuring the Reliability of a Revenue Procedure l Citating
Letter Rulings/Technical Advice Memoranda l Similar to Revenue Rulings l Generated through request or internal confusion l Limited authority
Discovering Relevant Letter Rulings l Cannot depend on reference services l Searching using electronic database
Citing a Letter Ruling year 40 week 300 number in that week
Other Types of Treasury Interpretations l Determination letters l General Counsel Memos l IRS News Releases l IRS Publications l Actions on Decisions l Acquiescences/non l Internal Revenue Manual l Forms and Instructions