Boosting resource efficiency at a regional level The ENWORKS business support programme in Englands Northwest
Introducing ENWORKS Established in 2001; 10 th anniversary in 2011 Innovative ENWORKS partnership model in Englands Northwest Award-winning environmental business support Decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation, with focus on resource efficiency Helped over 10,000 businesses with converting environmental pressures into competitive advantages Embedded in Northwest regional policy – Regional Economic Strategy, Climate Change Action Partnership, Sustainable Consumption & Production (SCP)
Using ERDF Economic project delivering results through environmental improvements ERDF Co-financed activity (SMEs) matched with NWDA SP grant NWDA SP grant activity alongside (Non SMEs and ERDF ineligible costs) Current programme value £9.3m - October 2009 to June 2013 Co-financed activity £6.99m (£3.49m ERDF & £3.49m SP) NWDA only activity £2.3m (all SP) Running two projects concurrently: enables cost recovery for delivery organisations removes barriers to business engagement increases cost effectiveness Key considerations: naming delivery partners in bid managing cash flow compliance and administration
Challenges we face Addressing market failure in business resource efficiency Awareness doesnt always lead to action - 82% of businesses believe resource efficiency is important - BUT only 23% plan to take action in 12 months - Majority are one-off, low-impact interventions Common misconceptions – irrelevant / costly / new equipment / time-consuming / energy only / threat not opportunity
Overcoming the challenges Helping businesses with annual financial and environmental savings of: £122 million (145m) in business costs 681,000 tonnes of CO 2 e 4.7 million m 3 of water 3 million tonnes of materials 388,000 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill More than 7,370 regional jobs created and safeguarded £210 million (250m) sales contracts secured and retained
Sustained impact Saving type Annual savings - pipeline Annual savings - achieved Achieved - accrued to date Business cost savings£ 93.3 million£ 29.4 million£ 83.8 million million 34.9 million 99.7 million CO 2 e savings / tonnes590,290123,320406,520 Water savings / m million1.6 million4.3 million Material savings / tonnes645, million16.6 million Waste diverted from landfill / tonnes 293,420100,230209,470
ENWORKS average savings Average cost savings - per business: £21,263 (25,107) pa - per improvement opportunity: £7,776 (9,182) pa Average CO 2 e savings - per business supported: 48 tonnes pa - per improvement opportunity: 31 tonnes pa
Value for money Most cost-effective support of its kind in the UK - compared to other regional and aggregated national environmental support programmes From every £100 (119) invested in ENWORKS we create annually recurring savings of: £1,200 (1,426) in business costs 8 tonnes of CO 2 e 55 m 3 of water 30 tonnes of materials 7 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill £800 (951) of sales contracts retained; £136 (162) sales won Breaking the mould – 65% of cost savings achieved at no capital cost
Key success factors Mix of public funding sources – no exclusions / no postcode lottery for businesses Partnership of organisations – locally embedded & trusted by beneficiaries and other stakeholders Breadth of services – no barriers, we address energy, water, materials and waste, covering eco-design, process efficiency, sustainable procurement, legal compliance, climate change adaptation…. risk and reward Targeted and tailored support – linked to the potential to make savings, hands-on on-site advice and off-site services, focus on cost effectiveness and impact ENWORKS Online Resource Efficiency Toolkit – data is turned into information, it both catalyses action in business and the sharing of best practice across the project
ENWORKS Online Resource Efficiency Toolkit Unique web-based software, launched in 2004 Log, prioritise, manage and report on resource efficiency actions Clear audit trail, traceable to each improvement opportunity and linked to official UK Government CO 2 e conversion factors (Defra) Adopted by other English Regional Development Agencies and Welsh Assembly Government 8,881 registered businesses, across the UK Tracking 30,589 individual improvement opportunities Recording total business cost savings of £342.7 million (407.4m) Tracking total CO 2 e savings of 829,738 tonnes
Regional support Location of businesses supported by ENWORKS in Englands Northwest:
Regional impact Distribution of cost savings ENWORKS is helping businesses with, across the Northwest: Distribution of CO 2 e savings ENWORKS is helping businesses with, across the Northwest:
Find out more Contact us on: +44 (0) Web: For further information and video case studies: ENWORKS In a Box: ENWORKS Online Resource Efficiency Toolkit: ENWORKS Green Intelligence: