Energy Processes That Change The Earth Resource Source Cycles Go Round and Round Potpourri
2 Reflection
3 What is… The bouncing of light rays off an object (such as tinted windows)
4 Conductor
5 What is… Material that allows heat energy, sound energy, or electric energy to flow through it
6 Refraction
7 What is …. The bending of light rays as they pass through a substance (such as a lens)
8 Insulator
9 What is… a material that does not allow heat energy, sound energy, or electrical energy to flow through it
10 Lens
11 What is… A curved piece of plastic or other clear material; can be convex (makes things appear bigger) or concave (makes things appear smaller)
12 Deposition
13 What is… the dropping, or depositing, of sediment
14 Erosion
15 What is… the carrying of sediment from one place to another by wind, water, or ice
16 Weathering
17 What is… the breaking up of rocks into sediment by wind, water, or ice
18 Constructive Force
19 What is … a force that builds something up (example: minerals in a cave build up stalagmites and stalagtites)
20 Destructive Force
21 What is … A force that breaks down objects
22 Trees, animals, soil
23 What are …. Renewable Resources
24 Fossil fuels, minerals
25 What are … Nonrenewable Resources
26 Solar Energy, Hydroelectric Energy, Wind Energy
27 What are… Inexhaustible Resources
28 Natural Resources
29 What are … substances found in nature that we use
30 Source for the energy found in fossil fuels
31 What is… the Sun
32 The water cycle
33 What is … a system that requires evaporation, condensation, and precipitation… remove a step and it doesn’t work
34 Nitrogen Cycle
35 What is … Puts Nitrogen in the soil for plants to use for nutrients
36 Carbon Dioxide/Oxygen Cycle
37 What is … provides plants and animals with the air they need to breathe
38 Lunar Phases
39 What is … appearance of the Moon as it orbits the Earth Month = Moon
40 Rotation
41 What is… an object spinning on its axis Think: ro”day”tion
42 Tree Growth Rings
43 What is… Used by scientists to determine age and life experiences of a tree
44 Clay Soil
45 What is … does not allow water to absorb quickly
46 Sandy Soil
47 What is … allows water to travel through it quickly
48 loam
49 What is … Retains just the right amount of water
50 Sunspots
51 What are … Cool, darker areas on the surface of the Sun