Danube-Black Sea Regional Projects – Catalysts for Nutrient Reduction Experiences with Setting Targets, Measuring Compliance and Results, and Scaling up Achievements in Nutrient Reduction Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October 2006 Ivan Zavadsky, UNDP/GEF Regional Programme Director Danube/ Black Sea
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October COOPERATION FOR POLLUTION CONTROL IN THE DANUBE – BLACK SEA REGION »GEF Support: GEF Danube – Black Sea Strategic Partnership and TDA/SAP Process ( ) »Danube Convention and the ICPDR (1994/1998) »Black Sea Convention – BSC (1992/1994) »EU Water Framework Directive and other EU Directives, EU Marine Strategy(2000) »DABLAS Task Force (2001) »ICPDR/BSC Memorandum of Understanding (2001)
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October GEF Danube – Black Sea Strategic Partnership ObjectivesIndicator Success Adopting and implementing of new policies100% Implementing investment projects 100% Capacity building of Secretariats75% Adopting of legal mechanisms50 – 75% Reinforcing international cooperation75% Implementing pilot projects50%
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October INDICATORS »Process »Strengthening Institutions »Policy / Legal »Stress Reduction »Nutrient Reduction – investments / achievements »BAPs »Status »N/P loads »DO in Black Sea »Ecological status
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October PROCESS INDICATORS »Institutional Strengthening »ICPDR / BSC »DEF / Black Sea NGO Forum »Policy / legal
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October Status of Water-Related Policy, Programmes and Action Plans in the Danube Countries
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October STRESS REDUCTION Targets »Danube: »22% reduction in P emissions and 33% reduction in N emissions by 2005 cf 1996 baseline level. » BS TDA: »To avoid exceeding nutrient loads of 1997; »To reduce nutrients loads allowing Black Sea ecosystems to recover to conditions similar to those observed in the 1960s.
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October STRESS REDUCTION Considerations in target-setting »Point vs. diffuse sources of nutrients; » Groundwater contribution to nutrient budget (47% of Danube input is GW-derived); »Recent historical changes in nutrient inputs and outputs – law of diminishing returns! »Internal loading of nutrients; »Economic influences on nutrient management (e.g. agricultural practices).
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October Romania Bulgaria NP STRESS REDUCTION Livestock manure
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October SUMMARY OF REDUCTIONS Context:Emissions estimated 700kt/a (N); 70kt/a (P) Load estimate 410 kt/a (N); 12 kt/a (P)
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October Actual loads Flow – corrected loads Inorganic NTotal P STATUS INDICATORS Danube loads to Black Sea
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October Phytoplankton Zoobenthos Zooplankton ? Phyllophora/Fisheries STATUS INDICATORS Ecological status of Black Sea
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October LESSONS LEARNED (1) »Robust decisions are based on good information. »Public perception and/or alternative drivers are critical to ensuring success. »Present sensible targets: challenging, but not over-ambitious. Timing is crucial. »Not the only player in town; co-operation is the lifeblood of success.
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October % felt it was “only occasionally polluted in certain places” A third of people thought it was either completely dead (14%) or the most polluted Sea in Europe (19%). Only 6% of respondents felt it is healthier than it used to be. Do you think the Black Sea is healthy? PUBLIC PERCEPTION
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October LESSONS LEARNED (2) »Source apportionment studies are invaluable, but the same methodology must be used by all participants. »Over a short-intermediate timescale, P export is easier to tackle than N export. »Point source nutrient emissions are “easier” to tackle than diffuse source emissions. »Regional improvements in P export are due primarily to the end of state-subsidies.
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October GOOD MONITORING DATA (1) »Collation of existing data; »Supply of monitoring equipment; »Regional workshops on methods development and production of standardised methods manuals; »Pilot monitoring exercises to test manuals.
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October GOOD MONITORING DATA (2) »Analytical proficiency testing exercises; »Research cruises to: »Improve understanding of the eutrophication process; »Fill-in gaps left by national / international monitoring programmes; »Support the scientific community.
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October ACHIEVEMENTS »Institutional »Co-operation EC/GEF »SAP developed »ICPDR funded and functional »DEF strengthened »Danube Analysis »BSC/ICPDR JTWG
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October ACHIEVEMENTS »Environment »Reduced nutrients – upper Danube »Reduced P discharges from Danube »Reduced anoxic conditions NW Black Sea »Increased zoobenthos diversity NW Black Sea
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October FUTURE CHALLENGES »Achieving / maintaining mid-1990s nutrient levels – and more! »Agriculture and CAP reform »N reduction »Improving data
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basin, Moldova, 4-6 October TRANSFERABLE LESSONS »For IRBM to succeed: »Political will – countries collaborate »Legal framework - convention »Strong institution – e.g. ICPDR »Long-term support – e.g. UNDP/GEF projects