Testing the US Integrated Ocean Observing System Data Discovery and Distribution Infrastructure with Real-World Problems Derrick Snowden 1, Rich Signell 2, Kelly Knee 3, Will Koeppen 4, John Kupiec 5, Andy Bird 3, Bob Fratantonio 3, Kyle Wilcox 4 1 NOAA/US Integrated Ocean Observing System Program 2 USGS 3 RPS/Applied Science Associates 4 LMI Inc 5 Axiom Data Science LLC IN32A-02 #AGU14: github.com/ioos/system-test 1
IN32A-02 #AGU14: github.com/ioos/system-test Individual Users 3 rd Party Services Models & Analytical Tools Federal Data Assembly Centers (17 Fed Partners) Regional Data Assembly Centers (11 RAs) Data Access Metadata Catalogs (CS/W) Data Discovery IOOS Data Services IOOS Data Services (SOS/ W*S/ OPeNDAP) Scope of the System Integration Test IOOS DMAC: Distributed Data Network for Ocean Information How well does this all work, for the average user? Ships and Other Observations Discrete Sampling Models Satellites HF Radar Buoys, Floats and Gliders Ocean Information
This pattern or collection of activities is present in many of the geoscience data initiatives. 3 Illustrates the Publish, Find, Bind Pattern. OGC Reference Model (OGC r7) Discover Data/Service Register Data/Service Discovery Use Data/Service Access ServiceClients
IN32A-02 #AGU14: github.com/ioos/system-test Theme based approach to testing the DMAC system 1. Baseline assessment of service capabilities 2. Extreme Events: e.g. severe storms 3. Species and Habitat
Gliders Hydrography Shoreline Framing the Extreme Events: Severe Storm theme Ocean Elevation (NWLON) (Z) Tidal Datums Geodetic Datums Land Elevation (CORS, HT MOD) (Z) Position (X, Y) (CORS) Physical (water levels, currents, waves, temperature, salinity, etc.) Chemical (nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) Biological (chlorophyll, pathogens, etc.) Water Quality (pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, etc.) Buoys Coastal Stations VDATUM Time Historical Data|Trends Shoreline Changes Digital Coast Sea Level Trends Forecasts Hydrodynamic Models Ecological Forecasts Inundation Models Real-Time Ocean Obs Post-Event Imagery ERMA Meteorological (wind, pressure, temperature, etc.) Satellites
IN32A-02 #AGU14: github.com/ioos/system-test Gliders Hydrography Shoreline Framing the Extreme Events: Severe Storm theme Ocean Elevation (NWLON) (Z) Tidal Datums Geodetic Datums Land Elevation (CORS, HT MOD) (Z) Position (X, Y) (CORS) Physical (water levels, currents, waves, temperature, salinity, etc.) Chemical (nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) Biological (chlorophyll, pathogens, etc.) Water Quality (pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, etc.) Buoys Coastal Stations VDATUM Time Historical Data|Trends Shoreline Changes Digital Coast Sea Level Trends Forecasts Hydrodynamic Models Ecological Forecasts Inundation Models Real-Time Ocean Obs Post-Event Imagery ERMA Meteorological (wind, pressure, temperature, etc.) Satellites
IN32A-02 #AGU14: github.com/ioos/system-test Use case: Model/Obs comparison of water levels after a severe storm
IN32A-02 #AGU14: github.com/ioos/system-test Discovery step
Access and Use step
Selected Results from Water Level Notebook Registration of missing model results in Service Registry Corrected improper aggregation and metadata at CO-OPS Identified mean model bias (e.g. 40 cm for FVCOM) Introduction of vertical datum metadata concepts into CF discussion Identification (and partial fix) of software treatment of free surfaces
Discover a service type of interest via CSW? github.com/osgeo/Cat-Interop to address difficulties in querying registries for particular service types urn:x-esri:specification:ServiceType:SOS ≠ urn:x-esri:specification:ServiceType:sos:url ≠
Summary of selected results 12 Server down, server slow, no conventions applied to data, data set not public Cannot parse data format, filtering of multiple results sets, unstructured grid support Data not discoverable, too many results, vocabularies not machine queryable
Discuss, critique, contribute at github.com/ioos/system-test 1. Baseline assessment of service capabilities 2. Extreme Events: e.g. severe storms 3. Species and Habitat 6 notebooks 13 notebooks 3 notebooks