What does Lincoln have to offer you? Lincoln Minster School – 10 February 2015 Information for Parents/Guardians/Students
Award-winning Community Radio Station Contents -Why go to university? -Things to think about in Year 12 -Accommodation -Student life -Student support -Student Finance
Winner of the HE Students’ Union of the Year award 2014 Why go to University?: Employment potential -Will a degree lead to a better career? Office for National Statistics Increased earnings potential Route to higher qualifications Essential requirement for some professions Destination of Leavers from HE survey
The Media Archive for Central England is located on campus Why go to university?: Employment preparation -Work placements, exchange programmes, sandwich courses -Practical and theory balance -Employer mentoring scheme -Careers advice -Graduate careers fair -Internship scheme -The Lincoln Award
The Media Archive for Central England is located on campus How do you decide? -Work experience -Visit a careers adviser/School -Research – online/ library/ job sites -Talk to friends, family and teachers -Attend HE fairs and collect as much information as possible
The Media Archive for Central England is located on campus If you decide: Higher Education -Pro’s- Con’s -More like to find a job- You need to commit to 3 yrs with a degree -Graduates earn more- Choosing the right course Over 37,000 to chose from -Meet new people- You may need to move away -Lots of career areas require you to have a degree -You’ll develop transferable skills that employers look for -Independence- Independence
Your exams and qualifications -Whatever you choose to do: Every subject counts Every grade counts Don’t waste subjects!
£14 million Science & Innovation Park (2014) Accommodation -Options include: On-campus halls Off-campus halls Private housing All first years are guaranteed help in finding accommodation, should they require it
New £11.5 million School of Art & Design Support for students -Academic tutors -Student Services -Student Support Centre -Student Wellbeing -Student Health Centre
Our students graduate in Lincoln’s historic castle and medieval cathedral Safety, security and social life -‘The 4 Cs’ Career (prospects, employability) Course (content, how it is taught) City (size, distance) Campus (size, location, type) -Social life -Complete University Guide -Amenities and facilities -Safety
High Student Satisfaction Settling in -Welcome Week -Stay calm -Privacy -Offer re-assurance -You were 18 once
Journalism and Psychology ranked top 10 in UK The things you need to know -No upfront payments are required -Bigger borrowing does not increase repayment amount -Loans are written off after 30 years
World Class Teaching and Research The Financial Support -Tuition fee loan -Maintenance loan -Maintenance grant -Additional funding sources -Subject-specific -University scholarships/bursaries -Always check!
Excellent Graduate Employment Repaying your loans -Two loans added together to make one overall repayment amount -Earning over £21,000 salary -Deducted from salary like tax -Repayment amount is 9% of anything you earn above £21,000 -At a starting salary of £25,000 – the repayment will be £360/year or £30/month (9% of £4,000) -Lump sum payments can be made – no early repayment charge!
£160 Million Campus Useful resources
Thank you for listening | Any questions? -Informal Visit Days: Thursday 19 th February Wednesday 25 th February Wednesday 18 th March Open Day’s for 2016 Entry Friday 10 and 11 July -Contact Us: Sports Teams and Societies, inc. Gliding, Rowing, American Football and the University Orchestra