1 Better Value for Money Workshop, CEC, Brussels, March 12, 2003 Interoperability and Track Maintenance Agent of Progress in & of Infrastructure Interoperability and Track Maintenance Hendrik Schäbe 1.Achieved Level of Interoperability 2.Status of Track Maintenance 3.Design and Maintenance 4.Needs 5.Example: Switch 6.Possibilities 7.Recommendations Contents
2 Better Value for Money Workshop, CEC, Brussels, March 12, 2003 Interoperability and Track Maintenance Agent of Progress in & of Infrastructure Achieved Level of Interoperability High speed directive implemented, TSIs exist, notified bodies are nominated by national institutions Second railway package is under discussion / approval European standards EN / EN / EN exist Approval by national bodies (excluding high speed) First interoperable tracks (high speed) exist
3 Better Value for Money Workshop, CEC, Brussels, March 12, 2003 Interoperability and Track Maintenance Agent of Progress in & of Infrastructure Status of Track Maintenance Track maintenance is a national task TSI on infrastructure subsystem defines track (rail) parameters Exchange of expert knowledge regarding diagnostics (e.g. switch diagnostics), track repair and renewal, Life Cycle Costs on voluntary basis Is there a need for a TSI on track maintenance, analogously to the TSI on rolling stock maintenance?
4 Better Value for Money Workshop, CEC, Brussels, March 12, 2003 Interoperability and Track Maintenance Agent of Progress in & of Infrastructure Design and Maintenance DesignQuality Maintenance
5 Better Value for Money Workshop, CEC, Brussels, March 12, 2003 Interoperability and Track Maintenance Agent of Progress in & of Infrastructure Needs Need for harmonisation on rolling stock maintenance is not disputable At least status of track must be harmonised: –Quality indicator –Tolerances –Measuring methods Example: Gauge
6 Better Value for Money Workshop, CEC, Brussels, March 12, 2003 Interoperability and Track Maintenance Agent of Progress in & of Infrastructure Example: Switch Existence of European switch would support maintenance harmonisation: Exchange spare parts Common diagnostic methods
7 Better Value for Money Workshop, CEC, Brussels, March 12, 2003 Interoperability and Track Maintenance Agent of Progress in & of Infrastructure Possibilities 1.Voluntary area Exchange of experts, methods, technology Can partially be sponsored by manufacturers of track diagnostic and maintenance technology First actions started by ProMain 2.Regulated / standardised area TSI on track maintenance Setting up standards on maintenance Allowing border crossing track maintenance Would require severe changes in national rules
8 Better Value for Money Workshop, CEC, Brussels, March 12, 2003 Interoperability and Track Maintenance Agent of Progress in & of Infrastructure Recommendations 1.Voluntary area: Support exchange of experts, workshops (also after end of ProMain) 2.Standardised area: Maintenance methods (measuring methods, repair, replacement) as a European standard 3.Regulated area: Prescribe in TSI (on inspection level): quality indicators, tolerances, notified bodies to audit and check
9 Better Value for Money Workshop, CEC, Brussels, March 12, 2003 Interoperability and Track Maintenance Agent of Progress in & of Infrastructure Support exchange of experts Organise workshops Give input for TSI (from workshops) Discuss TSI drafts Support in standardisation Options for