A new voice for reprocessors and recyclers - introducing the Resource Association Ray Georgeson, Chief Executive Presentation to North East Recycling Forum - Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1 st March 2012
What is the Resource Association? A new trade association for the reprocessing and recycling industries, providing professional advocacy for an important and growing industry Launched formally on 8 Nov 2011 in the Houses of Parliament after nearly a year of discussion and development Founder members from across the industry – reprocessors, recycling supply chain and support industries Active in England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland
Our vision and mission Our vision is for a resource efficient materials economy that realises value, prizes quality and seeks to maintain the integrity of the secondary materials that are still too commonly treated as waste. Our mission is to support the development of a sustainable and healthy industry by providing a voice, forum and leadership for the materials reprocessing and recycling industries, as well as related environmental and social interests. Member companies will promote the management of materials as resources not wastes.
Founder Members - November 2011 Alloa Community Enterprises Aylesford Newsprint Bryson Recycling Coca-Cola Enterprises Huhtamaki UK Kent Waste Partnership May Gurney Novelis Recycling Plastics Sorting Smurfit Kappa Recycling Somerset Waste Partnership
Welcome to recent Members arc21 Cherry Plastics Ecolateral ECO Plastics Palm Recycling Resource Futures Romaquip UPM Wood Recyclers Association
Our early objectives Highlighting the reprocessing and recycling industries’ contribution to carbon reduction, employment and economic development Putting quality and recovery of the value of secondary materials at the heart of the reprocessing industry and its role in the local economy Promoting resource integrity and closed-loop systems Engaging with local authorities in the delivery of better recycling services that can sustainably provide quality feedstock to manufacturers Communicating the value of the industry and reconnecting people to the materials they use and the way products are made from them
Early policy interventions - packaging We supported Government proposals to increase recycling targets for packaging, in recent consultation on Producer Responsibility (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations Favoured the split target for glass to promote greater use of glass in remelt, but with a phase out of PRN support for glass to aggregates Higher targets for plastics need to come with reform of PRN/PERN – to level the playing field for UK plastics reprocessors. Present situation where PERN is issued on what is exported, not reprocessed, will only mean that higher targets will fuel export markets and not support UK reprocessing
Early policy interventions – separate collection We will respond to Defra/Wales consultation on amendments to the Waste Regulations 2011 on separate collection There has to be a fresh approach to setting quality standards for the output of MRFs and the use of recyclate by reprocessors, aside from the method of collection We will engage with proposed revision of MRF Code of Practice and Defra Quality Action Plan All elements of the recycling supply chain – councils, collectors and reprocessors alike – need to collaborate to deliver continuous improvement in the quality of recycling Failure runs the risk of losing public confidence in the recycling process, lack of transparency of end use of recycling and media scrutiny of our operations will be an issue
From waste to resources We know this is the direction of travel, even if the navigation isn’t always straightforward Policy signals are starting to be there – European Commission Roadmap for a Resource Efficient Europe will be important Thinking is changing – Ellen Macarthur Foundation report Towards the Circular Economy – positive business case for the circular economy, produced by McKinsey Not just high-level policy thinking, communities also starting to reflect this change – growth of re-use, Freegle, local food production/resource use, Transition movement
A resource efficient, green economy? WRAP research shows the potential for UK business to save £23bn per year through simple resource efficiency measures Friends of the Earth Europe research showed the potential to create over 500,000 jobs in Europe through reaching 70% recycling targets, over 50,000 jobs in UK Low-carbon and environmental goods and services (LCEGS) industries were worth £112bn in UK in 2008/9 employing 900,000 people The potential is there to marry job creation, low-carbon and sustainable economic activity Our industry has an important role to play in this development, retaining value in resources and adding value through employment and product development
Resource Association – our approach We aim to be collaborative and inclusive where colleagues share our agenda We will look for partnerships and alliances around issues of concern as well as pro-active championing of an underestimated industry We will focus on research and advocacy to add to the public and political understanding of the real value of reprocessing and recycling and its role in resource efficiency and the low- carbon, green economy that needs to be built. Initial Policy Statement launched Nov 2011 – this will develop during the year as membership and active engagement grows.
Contact details Secretariat based in West Yorkshire, office open January 2012, small meeting room available for Members and partners. Website holding page at the moment, going live 1 st March Ray Georgeson, Chief Executive Resource Association Suite One, 2 Boroughgate, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 3AL