Malmö - towards the fossil-fuel free city… Lotta Hauksson
Windpower Today several windturbines placed in and outside Malmö New! The largest windpower site in Sweden-Lillgrunden 48 turbines Total 0,33 TWh electricity /year ( houses).
Malmö the Solar City Malmö takes the lead in Sweden. Both heat and electricity produced Total 1600 m 2 solar collectors Total 2200 m 2 photovoltaics
BO % locally renewable energy Quality programme: 105 kWh/m2,year Sun, wind and water District heat pump Minimised energy consumption (pumps, ventilation, white goods)
Natural gas, Biogas, Hythane and Hydrogen 100% of buses on Natural gas (next year 50% on biogas) Public filling stations (biogas and hydrogen) New! 90 buses on hythane New! Hydrogen bus New! Biogas (slurry) production plant and an upgrading plant New! Free parking for biogas vehicles
Renewable energy creating opportunities… New businesses and jobs locating to Malmö The development has attracted new competences and knowledge to the city The investment stimulates the regional market. UK/SW cooperation further helps business to export ideas and products.
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