RECONSTRUCTION Martin Luther King Jr. Ghandi
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Michael King was his first name before he got the name that he is known for now. He earned his name after his father (who was a Baptist minister) in church. He was influenced by a guy named Ghandi who also lead freedom to his own country. When he became a grown-up, he said a really big speech “ I Have a Dream” that took place at the Lincoln Memorial. Many African Americans saw and heard the “I Have A Dream” speech. They thought that that was the best speech from him ever.
Rosa Parks Rosa Parks was an African American who started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. She didn’t give up her seat to a white person on a bus and she got put in jail for that. Martin Luther King Jr. heard about this boycott. He had a great idea. He said to most African Americans that to not think jail as a bad thing, but to think of it as the goal you are reaching. So basically what he is saying is that if you go to jail, then that the next step in completing your freedom.
Freedom Riders The Freedom Riders were a group of African Americans who hoped for freedom. When they would sit where ever they want to at a lunch counter, White people would get very mad. They would try to pull them away from where they were sitting. That’s when violence started. With black against white. Every time there would be violence. There would be news cameras rolling.