Albania The European Union and the Western Balkans Croatia former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia and Montenegro
The European Union > 494 million citizens from May 2004* > 25 Member States from May 2004 > GDP of 8, million* > Single currency, the euro, since 2002 for 12 members > Committed to closer political and economic integration * Eurostat 2002
The EU in the Western Balkans Recognising the importance of the Western Balkans the EU has: > Promoted stability in the region through its assistance programmes > Supported democracy through political dialogue > Launched in 1999 the Stabilisation and Association process (SAp )
Stabilisation and Association process (SAp) The SAp is the framework policy of the EU in the region serving to: > Promote European values and principals > Act as an anchor for reforms > Open the way for eventual membership of the EU
SAp objectives The SAp aims to: > Bring peace and stability to region > Promote stable democratic institutions > Ensure rule of law prevails > Develop and sustain prosperous, open economies
SAp instruments The process has three main instruments for support: > Trade > Stabilisation and association agreements > Financial assistance
Trade > EU is the largest trade partner for region > EU will account for over 70% of total trade* > Most goods now enter EU duty free > Regional network of free trade agreements in place * Post Enlargement
Stabilisation and Association Agreements (SAA) SAA is a formal agreement providing a framework for: > Closer political dialogue > Establishment of free trade area > Enhanced regional cooperation > Harmonisation of legislation
Financial Assistance CARDS > 4, 65 billion has been allocated to the CARDS programme for > Assistance to the region since 1991 totals more than 6 billion
Financial Assistance II Country ( m) Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia fYR Macedonia Serbia and Montenegro.... 1,105.5 ( *) Regional programmes * Kosovo
What is CARDS? > CARDS - European Unions assistance programme to the region > Adopted by Council Regulation 2666/2000 > Rationalised most assistance under one programme (Obnova, Phare) > Underpins Stabilisation and Association process
CARDS objectives > Reconstruction and democratic stabilisation > Institutional and legislative development, including harmonisation with EU norms > Sustainable economic and social development > Promotion of closer relations and regional cooperation
CARDS programming A Country Strategy Paper (CSP) outlines in general terms: > Policy response > Cooperation objectives > Programme priorities
CARDS programming II Annual programmes for each country detail: > Summary of situation > Budget allocation per sector > Project outline for budget year
CARDS Management National programmes are managed by: > Commission delegations in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Albania > European Agency for Reconstruction in Serbia Montenegro & fYR Macedonia > Headquarters for regional programmes, Tempus and CAFAO
CARDS sectors There are five priority sectors: > Justice and home affairs > Administrative capacity building > Economic and social development > Democratic stabilisation > Environment and natural resources
Justice and home affairs Priority sectors include support for: > Reform of the judiciary and police > Migration and asylum policy > Integrated border management > The fight against organised crime
Administrative capacity building Priority sectors include support for: > Public administration > Taxation > Customs systems
Economic and social development Priority sectors include support for: > Economic reform > Social cohesion > Local infrastructure development > Education
Democratic stabilisation Priority sectors include support for: > Civil society development > Refugee return > Media reform
Environment and natural resources Priority sectors include support for: > Institution strengthening > Monitoring > Urban and rural planning
Albania > Capital: Tirana > Population (WB 2002): 3.19 million > GDP per capita (2002): 4,500* > CARDS assistance ( ): 214.2m > Negotiations on SAA opened in 2003 * World Fact Book 2002
Albania Priority sectors under CARDS include: > Judicial reform and the fight against crime > Strengthening public administration > Economic & social development > Pollution monitoring and urban planning > Democratic stabilisation
Albania ( ) * European Commission
Bosnia and Herzegovina > Capital: Sarajevo > Population (WB 2002): 4.1 million > GDP per capita (2002): 1,600* > CARDS assistance ( ): 395.4m > Feasibility study completed for SAA * World Fact Book 2002
Priority sectors under CARDS include: > Refugee return and media reform > Support to institutions (tax, customs) > Economic development & social cohesion > Policing, asylum and migration > Integrated border management > Environment and natural resources Bosnia and Herzegovina
* European Commission Bosnia and Herzegovina ( )
Croatia > Capital: Zagreb > Population (WB 2002): 4.37 million > GDP per capita (2002): 7,800* > CARDS assistance ( ): 267.3m > SAA signed in October 2001 > Applied for EU membership in 2003 * World Fact Book 2002
Croatia Priority sectors under CARDS include: > Refugee return > Trade, investment climate and social cohesion > Policing and organised crime > Integrated border management > Public administration reform > Environment and natural resources
Croatia ( ) * European Commission * European Commission
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia > Capital: Skopje > Population (WB 2002): 2.04 million > GDP per capita (2002): 4,430 > CARDS assistance ( ): 239.5m > SAA signed in April 2001 * World Fact Book 2002
Priority sectors under CARDS include: > Customs and taxation > Public administration reform > Energy, transport and the environment > Enhancing regional cooperation > Vocational education and higher education former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ( ) * European Commission
Serbia and Montenegro > Capital: Belgrade > Population (WB 2002): 10.7 million > GDP per capita (2002): 2,100* > CARDS assistance ( ): 1,106.4m, ( Kosovo) > Feasibility study underway for SAA (09/03) * World Fact Book 2002
Serbia and Montenegro Priority sectors under CARDS include: > Interethnic relations and civil society > Trade and private sector development > Infrastructure development > Reform of the judiciary > Integrated border management > Immigration and asylum > Fight against crime
Serbia and Montenegro ( ) * European Commission
Kosovo ( ) * European Commission
Regional programmes Priority sectors under CARDS include: > Integrated border management > Institution building for SAp > Regional cooperation > Development of regional infrastructure > Civil society development
* European Commission Regional (2001/2003)
Projects > External aid delivered via service contracts or grants > Contracts awarded on basis of open competition (tenders) > Published on the EuropeAid web site > Open to 25 EU member states, Candidate and CARDS countries.
European Union Police Mission (EUPM) in Bosnia started in January 2003: > Took over from International Police Task Force (UN) > Budget: 38 million > 500 police officers from more than 30 countries Security in the region
Objectives: > Help Bosnian authorities develop local police forces to EU standards > Ensure sustainable institutional structures by end of 2005 EUPM
To contribute to stability and security in the fYR Macedonia: > Started in December 2003 > EU civil police mission > Took over from Mission Concordia > 200 police officers stationed throughout the country Proxima
Contacts > Albania: > BiH: > Croatia: > FYR Macedonia: > Serbia/Montenegro: > EAR
Contacts II > Speakers Name: > Office address: > contact: