Ecomark: eco-marketing to promote eco-industrial parks Marino Cavallo, Province of Bologna (Italy) Open days - 9 th European Week of Regions and Cities Brussels, October 2011
Ecoindustrial parks: the characteristics Planning of exchanges of resources Minimization of the use of energy and raw material Minimization of waste material Construction of environmentally, socially and economically sustainable relationships Integration among all the activities and among those and the enviroment
Advantages of ecoindustrial parks Systemic approach to sustainability Improvement of economic performances of enterprises Enhancement of the relationship between local communities and industrial settlements
Valorization and diffusion of ecoindustrial parks: the role of green marketing. Green marketing is: Know how and actions to operate in the green market A managerial and commercial plan to minimize the environmental impact of productive activities Matching of green demand and green offer Research and development of competences for the promotion of green products and green services Planning of actions to maximize the opportunities of green market and to allow the reaching of environmental goals
The project Ecomark The partners: Province of Bologna, (lead partner) Ecuba (Italy) S.Te.Pra (Italy) Anatoliki (Greece) Patras Science Park (Greece) Comunidad Valenciana (Spain) AER Ribera (Spain) APE (Slovenia) Chamber of Commerce of Nice (France)
- The work packages of the project WP 1 Communication(Coordinator: Comunidad Valenciana): communication plan, media communication/dissemination, non media communication/dissemination, communication events, capitalization WP2 Management (Coordinator: Province of Bologna): fullfilment of start up requirement, project management, steering and monitoring of the project implementation WP3 MED EIP'S database and benchmarking (Coordinator: APE): construction of database, benchmarking analysis, swot analysis
- WP4 Design of Innovative services (Coordinator: AER): coordination and collation of results, innovative services guidelines on TPFM and sustainable logistics) WP 5 Green marketing plan for IA and experimentation (Coordinators: Anatoliki): green marketing plan manual, information campaigns, recruitment, experimentation of the green marketing plan, collation of results)
Goals of the project Ecomark Planning, development and implementation of green marketing tools (green marketing plan manual) External communication instruments for industrial parks and productive areas Experimentation of innovative services for sustainable logistics and TPFM The added value of the project Ecomark lies in the replicability of the services for enterprises and for industrial areas in different contexts
- Road map to reach the goals Benchmarking analysis of the economic, environmental and energetic scenario Identification of the points of strenght and weakness of the areas interested by the project (swot analysis) Planning and implementation of marketing strategies and brand policies for the promotion of sustainability among local stakeholders and among external investors Implementation and monitoring of innovative services for businesses