ERAC ad-hoc working group on the European Semester and on Monitoring ERA (main messages) Krzysztof GULDA on behalf of Ward Ziarko 19th April 2013
Main objectives Prepare opinions, give feed-back and strategic advice on : –The European Semester (annual growth survey and other documents) –ERA progress –The development of the Research and innovation observatory Look into all qualitative and quantitative evidence used to monitor these Contribute to policy learning and debates
The European Semester Prepare policy debates (opinions) on : –The commissions Annual growth survey –The member states National reform programs –The commissions Country specific recommendations They allow to monitor strengths and weaknesses of European and national research and innovation policies Milestones set by the publication dates
ERA Progress Two strands of work : –Prepare debates on the quality of the monitoring instruments (survey, statistics, NRPs, other…) –Prepare debates on the policy issues First dead-line : the ERAC opinion expected on the progress report for this autumn (ad-hoc group meeting in July to prepare this ?)
Research and innovation observatory The observatory covers a broad range of issues and qualitative and quantitative evidence ERAC needs to reflect on the policy maker needs regarding the observatory
The way forward ERAC needs a main debate on the work plan of the ad-hoc group : ad-hoc meeting 12th of june (before the ERAC meeting) ? Meanwhile -> written comments on both of the documents (workplan and milestones) In general : back to back meetings with ERAC that reflect on methods, outputs, main milestones (not duplicate the ERAC debates)
Next steps European Semester : can we agree on the production of a policy input based on an analyses of the NRPs to be circulated end of May ? Monitoring ERA : can we agree on an ad- hoc meeting on the evidence that feeds the ERA progress report (end of june ?) in order to prepare the ERAC advice on ERA progress ?