The Russian Federation A sample country study presentation Yes, this will be on the quiz, too
Geography Russia is the world’s largest country- it also straddles Asia and Europe. (Sarah Palin can see it from her house)
Russia- super big, super diverse Ethnic Russians are scattered throughout, but Russia has lots of other ethnic groups and religions
Super diverse- super problems Many of these ethnic groups would like to break off and form their own countries – Russia is afraid of setting a precedent with breakaway regions, and so it clamps down on regions that try – Chechnya, a region in the Caucasus Mountains is the best example of this
Government Russia is a federal system with a parliament, prime minister, and a president. Very little respect for political institutions and rule of law For example, the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. He was president twice, and tried to amend the Constitution to run a third time. When that didn’t work, he became Prime Minister, and basically controls the President (Mededev). “L’etat, c’est moi.”
Communism In 1917, Russia shocked the world when it became the world’s first communist state. The legacy of communism is bitter: – Millions of political dissidents imprisoned and executed – Terrible environmental damage from industry and agriculture – Outdated and under-performing everything (infrastructure, industry, military, etc.)
Politics today Much Russian politics is controlled by the President/Prime Minister – Other politicians basically do what they say There is a threat, sometimes spoken sometimes not Corruption is rampant; nothing gets accomplished without bribing someone
The Kremlin (and St. Basil’s Cathedral) Q
Economy It’s GDP is $2.2 trillion, 7 th worldwide (US is $14.6 trillion) It’s GDP per capita is $15,900; 71 st worldwide (US is $47,200) The Russian economy is almost totally depended on oil – When oil prices are high, economy is good. Otherwise, their economy sucks
Check for understanding Some of these questions will be pulled for your quiz on Monday!
What are several legacies of communism?
True or False The Russian economy is diverse with many important economic sectors.
True or false Political institutions and rule of law are strong in Russia.
True or false The Russian national anthem is super rad.
What dilemma does Russia face vis-à-vis Chechnya and other ethnically diverse regions?
True or false Opposition political parties can check the power of the Vladimir Putin.
Discussion 1.How does the Soviet/Communist legacy hinder development in Russia? 2. Why doesn’t Russia just let Chechnya break away?