Nixon resigns in 1974 He had nominated Minority Leader Gerald Ford to be his VP Ford now becomes President. The first President who was not popularly elected Ford goes about setting the country right “Our long national nightmare is over” In September of 1974 Ford pardoned Richard Nixon Ford’s Presidency, while conservative, was brief and mired by the stain of Watergate and the pardon. THE DOWNFALL OF A PRESIDENT
Ford faced a primary challenge from other Republicans California Governor, Ronald Reagan opposed Ford for the nomination Reagan was far more conservative than Ford Reagan and other Republicans were angry that Ford did not do more to help the South Vietnamese army in Ford is eventually nominated but is damaged by the process The Democrats nominate Georgia Governor, Jimmy Carter Carter, former Navy officer. Former peanut farmer Positioned as an outsider ELECTION OF 1976
Carter is a soft spoken southerner Carter is a liberal Democrat Installs solar panels on the White House America faces severe economic issues The economy slows down Inflation climbs Creating “stagflation” On top of that gas becomes scarce CARTER WINS
In 1979, Islamists in Iran overthrow the Shah (King) of Iran Iran is a key controller of world oil The revolution pressures world supply Revolutionary Iran is not a friend of the US The US needs to figure out how to handle the shortage Lines at gasoline stations Rationing Even/Odd day fill ups Carter attempts leadership Famously encourages Americans to lower their home thermostats, wear cardigans IRANIAN REVOLUTION/ENERGY CRISIS
One signature achievement that Carter earned was a break through in foreign policy In 1977, Carter brokers a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt. This is the first attempt by the US to establish peace in the Middle East. These discussions become known as “The Camp David Accords” CARTER’S SUCCESSES
During the Revolution, Americans working at the Embassy were not able to evacuate 66 Americans in the Embassy were held hostage in Iran as a result of the revolution. The hostages were held for 444 days (November 1979 – January 1981) Americans are rapt by the story Carter attempts a rescue but it fails This incident damages Carter’s reputation severely IRANIAN HOSTAGE CRISIS
Carter is challenged for the Democratic nomination by Ted Kennedy, further damaging Carter. The Republicans nominate Ronald Reagan Reagan is a great communicator Nicknames “The Great Communicator” Reagan wins handily This is seen as the start of the “Reagan Revolution” Conservatism finally found it’s champion THE ELECTION OF 1980
Former actor, Reagan used his affable style and humor to combat his enemies. Reagan is the oldest person ever inaugurated 69 years old 70 days into office an assassin shoots and wounds Reagan. Reagan’s approval rating sky rocket After his recovery, he begins to implement the Conservative wish list Reagan implements supply-side economics Broad tax cuts Support for businesses Sometimes called “Reagan-omics” RONALD REAGAN
Communism was still a major concern for Americans The Soviet Union was seen as a major threat to America Reagan believed in “peace through strength” Supported increased spending for the military Reagan’s investments in defense spending ballooned the federal debt. The goal was to outspend the Soviets, thus destroying their economy. One hallmark of this plan was SDI Strategic Defense Initiative Also called “Star Wars” A plan to destroy ballistic (nuclear) missiles before they reached the US. REAGAN’S FOREIGN POLICY
Defeating the Soviet Union was still of paramount concern for Americans Reagan was an anti-communist from the 1950’s He lived through the “Red Scare” For Reagan, the rhetoric was as important as the policy. In 1987, Reagan visited Berlin, which was still divided into West and East Berlin. In an effort to pressure soviet leaders into reform he delivered his famous “Tear Down this Wall” speech. Had little impact on actual foreign policy but shaped his legacy as a cold warrior. REAGAN AND THE SOVIET UNION