PR 2.0 the role of the message in the information era Mary-Margaret Jones
Agenda Activity 1 Introduction History of spin Changing media BREAK Results of Activity 1 Campaign planning Activity 2 Recap
Activity 1 Current events quiz
What is PR?
History of Spin to 19 th Century 50 BCE Julius Ceasar Caesar’s Gallic Wars 394 CE Augustine of Hippo “St. Augustine” Rhetoric prof in Milan – spokesperson for the Western Roman Empire 1517 Martin Luther 95 Theses tacked to door at Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany Changed Western history 1776 Thomas Paine Publishing pro- revolution pamphlets such as Common Sense and Crisis influential in US and French Revolutions mid 19 th Century PT Barnum, Barnum and Baiely Circus Master albeit sleazy publicist US Pres. Abraham Lincoln’s secretary of state uses newspapers to convey message
Spin 20 th Century to Present 1903 PR becomes a profession Ivy Ledbetter Lee advises John D. Rockefeller on how to conduct PR Created the press release 1929 Edward Bernays “Torches of Freedom” campaign Explored relevant marketing, third-party opinion leaders, subconscious minds to influence consumer behaviour 1950s Industry matures PR executives, press secretaries common place Professional associations 1960s Growth of agencies Global industry
Mass Communications To mid-19 th Century Rhetoric Writing Print Mid-19 th Century to present Rhetoric Writing Print Radio Television Film Internet (digital)
Terminology Defining Earned, Owned And Paid Media Posted by Sean Corcoran on December 16, 2009
Paid Earned Social Platform Owned mmj’s interpretation of a great slide by Edelman re: new communications Rich media content Influencer Awareness change
Results 1.Who is Bev Oda? MP, PC 2.What happened in the HoC? Speaker found PCs in contempt of Parliament 2x 3.Glee? All of the above 4.New consumer electronic product? iPad 2 5. What rock singer announced retirement? Phil Collins 6. Tiger blood, winning, Adonis DNA, Chuck Lorre? Charlie Sheen 7.Who is this man? Muammar Gaddafi 8. Largest circulation? Toronto Star 9. Christy Clark first female premier? No
Fundamental changes Spaghetti on the wall approach does not work -- conversations directly with the consumer Authenticity in messaging Circumvents third-party authority Empowers each consumer Brands need to listen PR people need to engage in meaningful conversations
Campaign Planning Objective Goals Audience Key messages Strategy Tactics Measurement
Activity 2 Situation: You’re best friend is running to be the president of student council. A reporter from the Sheridan Sun tells him/her there is an online photo of your friend dressed up as a Nazi for Halloween. The reporter is going to print the photo and wants to interview your friend. What advice do you give her.
Bibiliography Bates, Don. (2006) “Mini-Me” History: Public Relations from the Dawn of Civilization. Institute for Public Relations. Retrieved from content/uploads/MiniMe_HistoryOfPR.pdf Bernays, Edward. (1928) Propoganda. Ig Publishing: Brooklyn, NY. Breakenridge, Deidre. (May 7, 2008) “PR 2.0: A Communicator’s Manifesto”, ChangeThis Issue No Retreived from Corcoran, Sean. (December 16, 2009) Defining Earned, Owned And Paid Media. Retreived from media.html Edelman’s 2011 Trust Barometer Survey (February 2011) Retrieved March 2011 from 20Deck.pdf Litwin, Larry. (2009), A Brief History of Public Relations. Retrieved February 2011 from