Thursday, february 21 Conversation about Family40 min Storytelling35 min Team time & Workshops30 min Wrap5 min
We are creating solutions that should fit in to the story of people’s lives.
A story can… Create an image Put the listener there Build interest Make it real
[Ira Glass clip]
(1)Storyspine (2)Elements of story (3)A-C-E (4)Stand & Deliver 4 methods for story construction
(1)Storyspine, a way to frame a story
(2)Elements of Story, a way to evaluate a story
action conflict event A story is a character-driven dramatic narrative.
action conflict event need insight POV/solution A story is a character-driven dramatic narrative, and can be used to share your design process.
(3)A-C-E, a way to structure a story
(4)Stand & Deliver, another way to structure a story
Stand & Deliver RAMP Let the audience know how your content is important to them. What is the hook that draws them in?
Stand & Deliver RAMP Let the audience know how your content is important to them. What is the hook that draws them in? EXAMPLE It was 4am when I first met Kamla Devy, and all I could hear where footsteps.
Stand & Deliver THE 3 POINTS & FEELING Illustrate 3 things that you want the audience to know, motivated by how you want them to feel.
Stand & Deliver THE 3 POINTS & FEELING Illustrate 3 things that you want the audience to know, motivated by how you want them to feel. EXAMPLE Explain the scene I observed: I watched as Kamla started a fire to prepare chai for me, while her children read beside her. Until then, I had thought of light as merely a basic need. For Kamla, light was about dignity and her children’s future.
Stand & Deliver DESSERT A meaningful story or fact that the audience will remember.
Stand & Deliver DESSERT A meaningful story or fact that the audience will remember. EXAMPLE Kamla breathed life into the product that has now impacted millions of lives.
Storytelling for Design Review 2 5 MINUTES Minute 1: Tell us a compelling user-centered micro-story Minutes 2-4: Tell us the story of your process, including key insights from synthesis, and evidence of testing multiple prototypes Minute 5: Paint a picture of what’s next featuring your chosen solution concept
Stand & Deliver – your DR2 template
Stand & Deliver (1) RAMP FOR DR2: Compelling user-centered micro-story TITLE. What is it about, in 3-4 words? Finding life in darkness
Stand & Deliver DETAILS. What are the details you want to convey in order for us to remember the title? Kamla doing chores in the dark Kamla walking barefoot in the cow dung Kamla caring for her children and for me Creating the cooking fire Image of us around the cooking fire drinking chai Seeing the children reading by their mom What light meant to the family…opportunity and future I worried about, was it bright enough?
Stand & Deliver VOCABULARY. Brainstorm words that convey the essence of the details. Illuminate Inspire Warmth Family Together Cared for Nurture Future Aspire beyond
Stand & Deliver What is it about? Why does it matter?
Stand & Deliver What is it about? Why does it matter? (2) THE 3 POINTS & FEELING FOR DR2: Process story revealing the insights
Stand & Deliver
HOMEWORK Prepare for Design Review 2!