What do you see here?
The Aztecs Migrated from what is now the southwestern U.S. (Arizona, New Mexico) to the Valley of Mexico around 1200 CE The Aztecs were then called the Mexica. This is where the name Mexico comes from. They were a nomadic people originally.
Huitzilopochtli: God of Sun and Warfare Legend says: he told the Aztecs to found a city of their own… They will know they have found the right place when the find an eagle perched on a cactus, holding a snake in its mouth. Where have we seen this before???
The Legend The place where the eagle screams, where he spreads his wings; the place where he feeds, where the fish jump, where the serpents coil up and hiss! This shall be Mexico Tenochtitlan and many things shall happen! ----Crónica Mexicayotl
Tenochtitlan The Aztec found there home on a small island in Lake Texcoco at the center of the Mexican Valley. Founded their city, Tenochtitlan in Today, Mexico City is built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan.
Tenochtitlan Then Now..
Tenochtitlan By the early 1500s was an advanced city… With as many as 400,000 residents, it was larger than ANY European capital at the time. Aztec engineers built raised roads called causeways to connect the island city to the mainland of the valley. Used canals, streets, and broad avenues to connect the city with outlying residential areas.
Tenochtitlan At the center of the city one could find: A massive, walled complex Palaces Temples Government buildings The Great Temple A giant pyramid with twin temples at the top one for the sun god and the other to the rain god, this was the center of Aztec religious life.
The Great Temple Do you notice any similarities between this pyramid and the pyramids of the Maya? IF so, what are they?
Aztec Society Gained power through military conquest and tribute: money and resources they received from their conquered subjects and provinces. Social Classes: Emperor: had absolute power Nobles: military leaders, government officials, and priests. Commoners: merchants, artisans, soldiers, and farmers Enslaved people: captives
Aztec Religion Religion played a major role in their society. Adopted many of their gods and religious practices from other Mesoamerican cultures Worshipped Quetzalcoatl (right) as well as sun and rain gods.
The Decline of the Aztecs Emperor Montezuma II was crowned in 1502, under his rule, the Aztec Empire began to weaken. Increased tribute and sacrifice (from provinces) Caused a rebellion Eventually lessened the pressure on the provinces Cut government officials (and tribute money due) Nothing helped, there was a lot of resentment towards him
Worrying Events Montezuma II Spanish invaders…