Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs. Mayas 1500 BC – 1500 AD Lived in Yucatan peninsula Dense forest/ Jungle area Slash and burn agriculture Ideographs (picture.


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Presentation transcript:

Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs

Mayas 1500 BC – 1500 AD Lived in Yucatan peninsula Dense forest/ Jungle area Slash and burn agriculture Ideographs (picture writing) City of Tikal

Mayas Math, sculptures, astronomy Pyramids Calendar polytheistic

Calendar- created by watching stars December 21 st, 2012 – runs out odcasts/symhc/ symhc-mayan- calendar.mp3?_kip_i px=

So what happened to the Mayas? No one knows Some believe they became Aztecs However, they just left their cities abandoned

Incas Located in Western South America in Mts. (Andes) Jewelry (silver and Gold) *Roads* Relay runners Terrance farming, irrigation

Inca Continued Medicine Brain surgery ideas Spoken language (que chua) Domesticated animals Bridges Polytheistic “Sappa Inca” – ruler (king)

Machu Piccu (Peru)

Aztecs Fierce warriors Worshipped Sun King (Huitzilopochtli) Human sacrifice Polytheistic Created Tenochtitlan (present day Mexico city) Montezuma – famous leader


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Floating gardens

So what happened to the Incas and Aztecs?

Conquistadors - Conquerors from Spain “Gold, Glory, God”

Hernando Cortez

Hernan Cortez Cortez was a young Spaniard who went to Cuba to find his fortune. He heard stories of gold in Mexico and South America. In 1519 Cortez left Cuba to find this gold. With 300 Aztecs to every one of Cortez's men the Spanish fought. After 3 battles the Aztecs gave up. They could not complete against the guns and horses. The Spaniards also wore metal armor. More than this the Aztecs were afraid of the "god-like" warriors. On November 8, 1519 Cortez reached Mexico City and was received by Montezuma, the Aztec emperor. Cortez captured Montezuma and began to rule the empire through him. The Spaniards made the Aztecs work in the mines looking for gold and silver. This gold and silver was shipped back to Spain.

Francisco Pizarro

Francisco Pizarro In 1523 Pizarro led an expedition to explore and conquer the land of a wealthy Indian empire. With a ship furnished by the governor of Panama Pizarro explored the coast of Peru. He then sailed to Spain to ask for permission to conquer Peru. The permission was granted. With 200 men and 40 horses Pizarro began to conquer coastal settlements. Pizarro later captured the Inca emperor and slaughter 2,000 Indians. Pizarro accepted a large ransom for returning the emperor. After releasing him he had him executed.

Why did the Spanish easily defeat the Natives? Spain had better weapons Disease helped kill Natives Incas or Aztecs did not know Conquistadors intentions

Columbian Exchange

New Spain – Spain sets up colonies

Encomienda System Spanish type of slavery for Natives (Indians)  Cheap labor force Spain could demand labor and land from Natives at any time (like Feudalism) Also wanted to convert them to Christianity

Social Classes- Inequality Peninsulares – people born in Spain – only ones that could hold Government office Creoles – Spaniards born in Latin America Mestizos- mixed European and Indian Ancestry Mulattos- mixed European and African Ancestry Slaves Indians