Connecting and Configuring Clickers
InterWrite PRS - Clicker 2-line LCD Display See data entered Confirmation answer received Variety of question types Multiple choice True/False Numeric Decimal, +/- Rank order Short Answer Scroll and Menu Buttons Self-paced, homework modes Clicker setup *Runs on 3 AAA batteries On/Off Switch
To connect the clickers… *Do not turn your clicker on, until your instructor’s computer is Done searching for a channel.
Step 1: Scanning classes Please wait 1. Turn on clicker to start scanning.
Step 2: Scanning classes Please wait Quick Jump Code Look on your instructor’s computer for a letter or number in brackets. Press the number or letter on your clicker.
Step 3a: Once your class is listed, press the green send button to join the class. Scanning found 1 Your Class’s Name Joining Class *If your class does not show on the screen, use the scroll buttons to the left of the send button.
Step 3b: *Enter the ID as specified by your instructor. Then press the green send button. ID: Your Class’s Name
3c: Resetting the Student ID Setup Menu ID: 1.Press the * button. 2.Press the up arrow Until you get to the ID Screen. 3.Press the green send button 4.Put in your ID, and press the green send button again. ID: Enter Student ID 5. Turn you clicker off, and on and then re-join your instructor’s class.
Step 4: Once you get to this screen, you are ready to answer questions. *Your clicker may fall asleep, to wake it from sleep mode, just press any of the number or letter keys. Do not switch it on or off. ANS: Your Class’s Name
To Respond to Questions ANS: Your Class’s Name ANS: A Received ANS: A Enter Answer 1. Enter the answer and press send. 2. Once received you can answer other questions. *If your clicker fell asleep, press any of the buttons to wake it up. But do not switch it on or off.